WARNING: don't change your coffee

Mar 24, 2006 18:59

Today I bought Fairtrade coffee rather than my usual coffee, because it was cheaper, and I have no money right now.

The stuff must have twice as much caffeine in it - I haven't felt this jittery in months. And I'm about to go out for a meal with my parents. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.


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Comments 11

webrat_jen March 24 2006, 19:41:06 UTC
what brand?
the best tasting pre-ground coffee i have found so far is coffee roasters union brands, esp. the darker roasts.



spacelem March 25 2006, 03:20:24 UTC
Tesco's own.


dsky March 24 2006, 20:18:15 UTC
Ah yes. Some of the fair-trade stuff packs quite a kick. Some of it is rather pathetic though...


fizzyboot March 24 2006, 21:08:18 UTC
Some of it is bloody expensive as well.


purplerabbits March 24 2006, 21:43:15 UTC
Well you would expect a little bit more expense if it's going to the growers, but I find the Co-op (Scotmid) own brand quite reasonably priced possibly because all its own brand stuff is Fairtraide and it's not 'positioning itself in the market' as a luxury brand...


fizzyboot March 24 2006, 21:07:44 UTC
I always buy the cheap supermarket own brand coffee. I can't really tell the difference between this and the expensive cstuff, probably becausde of the sugar and milk I put in it.


markadm March 24 2006, 21:46:09 UTC
I had that experience, unexpectedly, at Pret à Manger...
Then I found out they were owned by McDonalds. *sighs*


starlit_kitty March 25 2006, 13:02:26 UTC
sounds like the fairtrade coffee we have at work. i literally start bouncing after about 3 cups of it .... takes waaay more than that of the asda smartprice ....


neuralbuddha March 29 2006, 16:29:52 UTC
When are you not bouncing?


starlit_kitty March 29 2006, 16:58:22 UTC
obviously when youre not around

and if youre going to think along those lines then its serious bounciness that no one in aasoc has yet seen ...


neuralbuddha March 29 2006, 17:25:20 UTC
and if youre going to think along those lines then its serious bounciness that no one in aasoc has yet seen ...

I can believe that...


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