TV & Football & Other Stuff

Oct 17, 2011 09:40

The Steelers won yesterday, but what a piss poor showing in the second half. It was like they went into the locker room at halftime and decided to knock off for pizza & beer. What do we need to do, take a ball peen hammer to Roethlisberger's foot every week to make the team play with some passion for four quarters? Geesh!

I caught up on ( Read more... )

cat tales, general blather, fandom stuff, football, steelers

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Comments 15

tarlanx October 17 2011, 13:50:27 UTC
I still haven't seen anything of Sanctuary beyond the first webisode (with David Hewlett). It's on my 'to catch up' list!

I've not taken much notice of Flashpoint and In Plain Sight. Any good?


sp23 October 17 2011, 14:17:20 UTC
Yeah, they're both good. I love In Plain Sight because the female character is one strong, tough, funny chick. I just love her.


ailurophile6 October 17 2011, 14:01:43 UTC
I just emailed you about it! The James Marsters thing on Saturday night is only $50 and I'm seriously considering it. I'm not going to see his ep of SPN Friday night (I watch Fringe and record SPN), and I think it would be pretty cool to watch it with a group and then get to hear him talk about it :)

I plan to leave SUNDAY after Walter (around 1:30) so I can see part of the Steeler game.

Let me know :)

And yes the Steelers sucked in the second half. We definitely need to injure Ben's other foot!!


sp23 October 17 2011, 14:15:56 UTC
Huh, everything I can find on the site reads $120 ($150 at the door), but that also includes the weekend admittance tickets. If it's only $50 and you're going, I'll go too. And yeah, I was planning on leaving after Walter, too. He was pretty funny the last time I saw him.

What time are you planning on getting there Saturday?


sp23 October 17 2011, 14:22:36 UTC
Okay, I just logged into my other e-mail account and found your e-mail. I mailed you back. :-)


cornerofmadness October 17 2011, 16:00:53 UTC
How can I live in the state and not know this was happening. bah. I could have come up for that.


sp23 October 17 2011, 16:53:20 UTC
You could still get tickets. It's only $40 for both days in advance or $25 for one. They've got some pretty decent guests this year including Billy Dee Williams.


cornerofmadness October 18 2011, 04:28:18 UTC
thanks. i think i have an obligation this weekend with the haunted house


sp23 October 18 2011, 13:03:39 UTC
Ah, that's too bad. This is the first year in ages that I've felt they've had tv/movie guests worth going to see.


jonesiexxx October 17 2011, 16:26:20 UTC

we're oh so fickle in our fantasy boyfriend attachments, huh? I wondernhow long Pope will last. (He's still going strong btw)

I only have one real lifer (Mifune) and one semi-lifer (Illya Kuryakin). You have any fb lifetime achievement awards?


sp23 October 17 2011, 16:55:32 UTC
My friend (the one that just had a birthday) and I were just talking about how sexy David still was even after all these years, and how hot we both found Illya. *g*


spikedluv October 18 2011, 18:28:12 UTC
Easy Peasy, hee!

I taped Sunday night's ep of The Walking Dead, but I did read an interview that said this season will be even better than last, so I'm really looking forward to watching it.

So, Sanctuary, by caught up you mean through the two new eps that have aired? Because I have a question. I mentioned it in my journal after watching the first ep, but it's still bugging me.

Extra space in case you didn't mean the two new eps. Stop reading now! *g*

This time travel thing. WTF? There were two Helen's when she went back in time, so what exactly has happened to that Helen now that 113 years have passed? I'm so ~confused by their 'solution' to Helen's dilemma of being in the past!


sp23 October 18 2011, 20:19:39 UTC
Well, that Helen went back in time and disappeared from the current time stream to be replaced by herself who had been hiding out for 113 years. It was kind of circular. Plus for that 113 years there were actually 'two' Helens in the world, one active and one hiding out somewhere. I just find it hard to believe that anyone could isolate themselves for 113 years and not go completely nuts. Not that current-Helen-who-went-back-in-time didn't act like she was totally batshit the entire time she was tracking down Adam.

That didn't bother me so much as WTF!John!? So, he's not Jack the Ripper, but Springheel Jack was Jack the Ripper? WFT? I hate it when shows rewrite their own canon like that. I guess he still did kill other prostitutes because we saw him do it in a flashback, right? Was that the only one? Why does Helen hate him so if he wasn't Jack the Ripper? Did he kill a bunch of other people? I'm so confused!


spikedluv October 18 2011, 20:32:54 UTC
So you're saying there is currently only one Helen because other!Helen is now back in the past. Oh, wow, that really does make my head hurt, lol. And I still don't quite ~get it, but I'll pretend that I do.

Sadly, I can't answer your question about Jack the Ripper because I'm one of those people who didn't care for the first episode, but started watching it near the end of last season. Is it possible that she just figured it out when she went back in time? I mean, would she have approached him if other!Helen was also going to approach him?


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