SGA Ficlet: Goodbye, My Friend

Nov 03, 2010 15:25

Title: Goodbye, My Friend
Author: Sandy (sp23)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
Rating: G
Spoilers: Tag for 3x17 Sunday
Word Count: 355
Genre: Friendship, Angst
McSheplets Challenge #84: Happy
Also Cliche_Bingo Square: Character Death

Summary: Rodney misses Carson

He stood there a while longer watching the sun set. As the light faded, so did the sense of Carson's presence. The ache he felt almost overwhelmed him, as did the guilt. Guilt that he hadn't gone fishing with Carson that day even though he'd promised him he would. Would it have made a difference? Would Carson still be alive if he had? Probably not. Elizabeth would have contacted them after the first explosion, and they would have rushed back to the city. So Carson would probably still have died because he still would have put his patient's safety before his own.

No, that wasn't where the guilt came from. It was because he had blown Carson off just so he could spend a few minutes with Katie. He could have spent those precious moments with Carson, but now they were lost forever.

Rodney swallowed down the lump in his throat, blinked back the tears that never seemed far from the surface. It wasn't fair that he hadn't realized how much Carson meant to him until it was too late, and now he missed him so much it was like a physical ache.

The breeze turned cool as the darkness grew, and Rodney shivered slightly. He should probably go in, though the city felt cold and empty to him.

"Hey, buddy. You okay?" a soft voice asked.

Rodney turned to see Sheppard standing there, hands in his pocket, a hesitant look on his face as if he were unsure of his welcome. Seeing John there, Rodney felt as if the sun had returned to warm the air around him, and he nodded.

From somewhere he found a smile to give to John. "Yeah, I'm okay. Or I will be."

John relaxed visibly, smiled back, and moved close enough to Rodney to give his arm a gentle squeeze. "Hey, want to go eat dinner?"

"Sure," Rodney said, grateful for Sheppard's presence. As he walked back into the city that no longer seemed empty to him now that Sheppard was at his side, Rodney was almost sure that he heard Carson say, "Goodbye, my friend. Be happy."

sga cliche bingo, sga fanfic, mcsheplets fic, sga

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