a nice big FUCK YOU to every single one of you. it was quite apparent how much you all "care" about me as i was walking around alone from 10a.m. to 8p.m. today with no money, phone, transportation, and having all of my calls ignored.
if any of you have a problem with me say it to my face right here. leave a comment telling me what you dont like about me. id appreciate it posted under a username that way i dont waste my time being nice to people that dont like me. thanks.
hanging out with some people i dont usually talk to tonight was really fun its amazing having a drama free night im seriously just happy and content right now, so please no one fuck that up
lets hope this weekend is an improvement from last weekends drama n shit the hippie clan consists of enchanted sunshine, crimson rainbow, narcolpetic kangaroo, and mystic tumbleweed. yeah be jealous. i totally pimp it with the black guys on the bus. um im too tired all the time. everyone call me over break so we can hang out <3