... while moving round in a circle, as our skirmishers do ...

Oct 28, 2023 12:48

Nolan L.E. Cavalry; its history and tactics. Третье издание 1860 года.

Skirmishing. - The skirmishing of cavalry, as now carried on, is notoriously ineffective. "It is certain," says Warnery, "that hussars will sometimes keep up a scattered fire for a whole day with very little effect." I have heard it stated that cavalry was known to skirmish for whole days in the Peninsula without having a single man or horse killed, or even wounded.

A man in pursuit of another, or being himself pursued and riding at speed, may fire with some chance of hitting his mark, but he is not likely to hit anything while moving round in a circle, as our skirmishers do - trying to stop their horses for a moment, so that they may fire. This ought to be remedied.

In an intersected country let every second or third man dismount, and pick off the enemy with his rifle.

In an open country, if you are required to keep the enemy at a certain distance from your columns, ride out and occupy the line, but do not waste your ammunition. If the enemy keep at a respectful distance, well and good; if they close, let your men charge sword in hand, and decide the matter.

Some of the Sikh horsemen often dismounted in battle, and if you charged they proved more formidable with these dismounted men amongst them than when they were all in the saddle. If you rode at the dismounted man, the mounted trooper would interpose, and, while you were engaged with him, the man on foot would quickly shoot you down, or knock over your horse.

Для фланкировки всадники обычно строились разреженно и, разбившись на пары, поочередно выезжали вперед для стрельбы. Еще. Хотя были и другие варианты.

Дабы уменьшить дѣйствiе непрiятельскихъ выстрѣловъ фланкеры в цѣпи должны быть в безпрерывномъ движенiи в обѣ стороны...

The cavalry catechism by Captain Robbins. 1851

Русский перевод с французского перевода английского текста - Военная библиотека. Том 3. 1871

В таком переводе есть ошибки. К примеру - The Cossack skirmishers often close together for a charge, but disperse in retreating.

В русском переводе - Когда казакамъ приходится исполнять обязанности фланкеровъ, то, при отступленiи, они смыкаются в массу, а отступают въ разсыпную.

Но - в переводе есть комментарии и некоторое обсуждение.

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