Author Love Letter #1

Jun 07, 2006 20:04

(Each Wednesday during the month of June I will post a letter to an author I admire. Go here if you would like to sign up. This letter, and the ones that will follow each week, were written before Sunday, before the badness. I didn't want to renege on my obligation.)

Dear marenfic,

It's no secret I am your #1 fangirl. I say fangirl, you say stalker. Potatoe, potahtoh. You write, I love, it's the circle of fanfiction.

I first discovered your writing with the entry for the B/A Fluffyathon hosted by theantijoss, The Mature Plan. Just as my fangirl status is no secret, neither is my love of fluff or the B/A pairing. So, combine those two and my fangirl status was cemented for life. I believe I emailed you feedback shortly after and more than likely embarrassed myself with my gushing.

From that story on, it was pretty much decided that I was your writing's bitch. You've written it? I've read it. I've devoured the stories on your website and found myself falling more and more in love with not only my favorite pairing, but with the individual characters. Your Buffy voice is exquisite and so dead-on, stories like Blissful Deceit and The Deepest Cut and Mirror give me chills. No matter the story, whether heartbreaking angst, or light-hearted silliness (Tangled Web), your love for Buffy Summers is crystal clear. You accept her, flaws and all, and this acceptance resonantes in every story that features her.

Some of my favorite stories of yours, however, deal with other characters. Half-Lit World was one of the first Faith/Angel stories I read, and it still echoes within me. This time he didn't call out someone else's name when he came and this time she could fool herself into believing that she was more than an easy lay in the midst of staggering grief. She soon found, however, that grief came in a multitude of variations and she couldn't hope to understand the depths of his losses.This one of the first stories that truly made me ache for the characters.The Faith/Cordelia story, Gods & Monsters, is a must-read for any Faith fan.

I reread your stories constantly, my mood usually dictating which favorite I will pick up. One that I can always read, no matter the mood, no matter the time, is Weight of Life, in my opinion the definitive Buffy/Angel post-NFA fic. Back in February this was one of the stories I recced for the_magic_box_ (fangirl, remember?). This is what I said then:

marenfic explores a darker post-Chosen Buffy that doesn't automatically jump for joy that Angel is back, and an Angel that doesn't cower and beg for forgiveness. They've both been hurt, by others and by each other, and rather than *tell* how this affects each, marenfic shows their loveangerjealousybitternessturmoil through small gestures such as Buffy's tense posture and Angel's subtle facial movements. Telling the story from the inside, marenfic achieves a personal one-on-one connection with the reader and the story, allowing the reader to take everything that has been presented and form their own opinion about what this means for Buffy and Angel in the future.

What better way to end this love letter than with your own words?

Her eyes are hard, the small smile she flashes almost grim. It is clear that she thinks he is sorry for kissing her. Angel groans inside, briefly chastises himself for his seeming complete inability to communicate with this woman in words, and opens his mouth to explain.Buffy cuts him off with a wave of her hand and stands; pacing back to the open window with its gauzy white curtains blowing in the breeze and looks out at the dark street. He wants to follow, wants to pull her back into his arms and feel her again, but he sees the stiffness of her body, the rigidity of her shoulders and he knows that she will only push him away. He tries not to think about just how much that would hurt him.

He's still trying to get over her. Still has a girlfriend. Still lies to himself about not wanting her. Still lies to himself about believing his own lies.

Your #1 fangirl for life,

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