Featuring: アリス九號
Pairing: 沙我 / Nao
Genre: PWP, smut
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: Fellatio. Unintended voyeurism.
Rating: NC-17
Comments: Inspired by Alice Nine's Zy34's comment video.
Summary: "Do you think we should be doing this here?" Saga asked as Nao squeaked in triumph as the shirt and jacket was thrown to the ground.
Value of the pain... Can you pay it? )
Comments 5
LOVED your fanfiction, by the way. xD Poor Taiga~ He's all shy and turned on at the same time from that.
You have renewed my Saga/Nao fandom~ I PRAISED YOU! -Huggleluffs. About to post her GazettE Fanfiction. Uber-nervous.-
Kehee, thank you so much! *glomp* :33 Tora!~ So cute. lol<33
Aww, I'm glad I could do that. Nao and Saga make a nice couple. (^^*) But so do they with everyone else... And Yukitchi. lol!!
I bet (this is late though, I apologize) it'll be awesome!<33
You're welcome! -Latch!- n-nv Tora's so adorable. I swear, I could glomp that man until the cows come home. xD
They really do! Lately, my original Alice Nine OTPs have been all screwy. First, it was Nao/Saga, then Saga/Shou, Shou/Tora, Tora/Hiroto, Shou/Hiroto..@_@ -Dizzy.- It's kind of the same way with my GazettE pairings. -Flail.- xD Yukitchi!! ♥
Aww~ n-n Thank you! I originally posted it a couple of days ago, but I deleted it because I rewrote the ending. -So indecisive.- I did the same thing with my LM.C fiction, too. x3 They're both posted now after much hesitation from me.
thank you for write it! i love it!!
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