trop occupée

Jun 23, 2005 15:28

I feel really bad because I haven't been to the Humane Society in forever. I just don't have time anymore. My schedule is packed so tightly right now, and volunteering there has become a chore more than a time for myself. I'd rather take the extra time to be with my own pets. Still I feel bad. I know they need me, but I must make my dissertation a ( Read more... )

humane society

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Comments 7

jodamiller June 23 2005, 20:41:19 UTC
Drink milk!


sourisverte June 23 2005, 20:44:53 UTC
Or else...


jodamiller June 23 2005, 20:46:18 UTC
Ne buvez pas de lait ?


sourisverte June 23 2005, 20:49:05 UTC
En effet.


schmooo June 23 2005, 22:22:57 UTC
Nice cows! I think that if those sculptures were in America some silly kids would have done something awful to them.

What do they sell at a laiterie? Choclate? Just dairy products?

Der mann trinkt die milch!


sourisverte June 24 2005, 00:51:57 UTC
I'm impressed by your German. Don't forget to capitalize those nouns, though!

At "laiteries" they sell everything dairy: milk, cheese, butter, yogurt. This one also had a tiny grocery section. But their selection of cheese is endless! Yum!


mandine82 June 23 2005, 22:41:32 UTC
Sympa la laiterie! Très "frenchie".


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