How about that. I too have a skeletal dragon that likes to remain dead in Whiterun - except it's in the market area and is annoying and I totally didnt kill it there and I really wish it would disintegrate already.
What are you concentrating on? Im (obviously, from the picture) a Dark Elf, concentrating on Destruction magic and two handed combat (with a WARHAMMER that SETS MF'ERS on FIRE)
About halfway through the main-quest, working on Theives Guild, and Companions questlines
Im the thief with a heart of gold (and coin purse to match). I excel in archery and one-handed (although my computer is really too old to render melee combat), sneaking and stealing. I dont have as much use for alteration or illusion spells as I would like, so the only magic I tend to use is restoration spells.
Story-line wise, I havent gone to High Hrothgar because I tend to complete the main storyline last. I've been working on clearing everything from Falkreath to Riften. I'm in the Thieves Guild and Companions, but havent progressed beyond the first couple of quests. I've not even been to Windhelm or the College of Magic.
Oh man, my entire Facebook is talking about Skyrim. I feel so fracking left out that I haven't played this yet! But, I am too excited about Skyward Sword. Except I'm not really because I never got around to even coming remotely close to finishing Twlight Princess. In fact, I just got back into it again recently, but omg it's giving me such a hard time. Just typing out this comment is stressing me the fuck out. I love the Zelda franchise a little too much, hahaha.
Omg you got Skyward Sword! That is GREAT. And that you guys are swapping games too...that's so cute! <3
I've never played any of the Elder Scrolls....baahhh, there's SO many games out there I gotta play! ;_; For the longest time I referred to myself as a strictly retro-gamer, but in the past few years (well, ever since I played Guitar Hero in '07) I've finally opened up to the newer games and there's so much awesome out there that it's going to take FOREVER for me to 'catch up'!
TES: Arena and Daggerfall are free-to-play from Bethesda, but getting them to run can be a tricky task. If you're brand new to TES, Morrowind (volume 3) is the most "modern" and would run on any Windows XP (or later) computer. You could probably purchase the game (and both expansions) on Steam for ~$10 during the Christmas sales.
Comments 30
About halfway through the main-quest, working on Theives Guild, and Companions questlines
Story-line wise, I havent gone to High Hrothgar because I tend to complete the main storyline last. I've been working on clearing everything from Falkreath to Riften. I'm in the Thieves Guild and Companions, but havent progressed beyond the first couple of quests. I've not even been to Windhelm or the College of Magic.
Just typing out this comment is stressing me the fuck out. I love the Zelda franchise a little too much, hahaha.
Did you play any of the earlier Elder Scrolls? I *loved* ES4 (Oblivion), I even read most of the ingame books ~
I've never played any of the Elder Scrolls....baahhh, there's SO many games out there I gotta play! ;_; For the longest time I referred to myself as a strictly retro-gamer, but in the past few years (well, ever since I played Guitar Hero in '07) I've finally opened up to the newer games and there's so much awesome out there that it's going to take FOREVER for me to 'catch up'!
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