Just for the record, I think it is fucking sick that the fact that
putting people in horrific, traumatic circumstances leads to trauma and badness is apparently news to people. Not only is this old news, but... surely it can't be so difficult to realise that just as being in physically unhealthy situations can lead to being physically unwell, being
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Comments 7
i need to get torchwood, but i've queued up s2-10 of sg1 to watch again atm.
Look up 'shellshock'. You'll find it in 'recent history'.
No love, me.
I didn't read the whole article because I can't take the downer right now, but they train up these people to kill and then give them no support when they want them to not kill anymore - what do they expect? What a horror for everyone involved.
Do you know when Ashes to Ashes is starting at all? I'm going to need to get my dad to tape it. (Although, Gene without Sam? Does not compute!)
Ashes to Ashes is starting in Feb, according to the Beeb, but not found anything more specific. I'll let you know if I do. (And OMFG I KNOW. Weird. But hopefully will work.)
Regarding Torchwood: I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't obsessively ship Jack/Ianto. xD I'm glad to read slash about them, because I approve of all Torchwood buttsexings except Owen/Jack, because that grosses me out for some reason, but I don't see them as this 'omg true love OTP' that a lot of the fandom does. Jack and John seem to have so much more chemistry.
Jack and John have history, which is totally more interesting to me than who's having the sex. (Though I did find Gwen very pretty this last episode so maybe I am being hypocritical.) Maybe it's just that I don't think Ianto's that great - HI KEEPING A CYBERMAN GIRLFRIEND IN THE BASEMENT WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE IS NOT SMART - but yeah, not seeing the OTP. Then again, I kind of tuned out for a lot of Torchwood, cause... it's kinda bad. Fun, but bad. I am hoping the fun will start outweighing the Overwhelming Emo, now, though. :D
(Oh, his name was John Hart? I kept hearing John Hawt or John Hott or something. Oh yeah.)
Rehab! He went to MURDER REHAB! Hee!
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