I managed to lose my shoes, people. I spent twenty minutes looking for the damn things, only to eventually find them exactly where they were supposed to be all along - under the bed. I am in "crap, I just really don't want to think about anything at all" mode, so, I write about television.
It turns out I'd completely forgotten most of Asylum, so
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Comments 14
But here's an interesting question - can we tolerate hate? Is it better to let it exist in recognised but disparaged form? Will hate ever disappear, or will it only ever be minimalised? Can we tolerate intolerance? These are the issues my tired brain is trying to deal with because for some reason it chose today with no sleep to try to meditate on pluralism. It had something to do with a NY Times article on the recent polarization of the U.S. contraception/abortion debate, sorry for no link, um... So yes, pluralism. Does it mediate extremities? I don't know. I don't know.
You finally broken me; I'm trying to find torrents of due South. I'm still looking around, but I can only find seasons 3 and 4 as of now. Will I miss out on all the fun if I don't get 1 and 2, or are they skippable (observe as I invent words)? And after that I'm going to track down some Stargate: Atlantis. The slashers on my flist have been raving about this for ages, and I can't take it any more. :caves under the peer pressure:
Have you watched the new episode of Who? Lines seem to be clearly drawn on this one: hate it or love it. I think I'm on the wrong side of the fence this time around. Never thought I'd be disappointed with Doctor Who. :(
I might be able to help with the due South episodes. And also the Atlantis. Er. If you email me/give us your preferred email address, then I might have info which is of benefit to you. :D *does little dance o'yay because it's always pleasing to successfully pimp stuff wot is good* I think you can probably get away without seeing the first two seasons of due South, so feel free to start with "Burning Down The House" (which tells you all the important stuff you need to know to understand it), but they are pretty good too, so you might well want to go back and check them out. Atlantis you definitely need to watch the pilot first.
And I have seen the new Who! I am apparently weird, cause I enjoyed it while not thinking it was the best episode ever.
I think maybe I need to rewatch TGitF. Most of my doubts were mollified after listening to the commentary and reading what other people were saying. It'll never be one of my favorites, but I think I can work past the immediate dislike. If nothing else, there is always the Tennant-lust to see me through. Of course, the fact that I deleted the episode after watching it kinda throws a spanner in the works. I'd like to say that I deleted it in a fit of despair, but really, it's just cus I'm stupid. Redownloading it is for me.
The Tennant lust is an excellent motivator like that, it must be said. And I can see why lots of people dislike the episode - there's a lot there that is kind of deliberately going against old Who and suchlike - but I hope you get more out of it on a second viewing, because I think there is a lot there, even if it's not perfect. :)
heee :p
And: I have such random love for Turnbull, just because it's difficult to decide whether he's adorable or terrifying. Or both.
Oh yes. I mean, he's just - Turnbull! Actually, you know what the thing is? I mean, when you try explaining due South to people, and you try to explain why it's so wonderful, it's really impossible to convey how absolutely fucking brilliant the characters are, especially the "minor" characters.
So much love :D
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