Ursula Vernon, who just won the Best Novelette Hugo, stopped in Iceland en route to WorldCon. She was with her husband Kevin, his cousin, Amy, & their friend Tina. They storified the trip, here
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So, when I was taking a pic of my "almost complete" set of books for Instagram to celebrate the release, I played around with the new face features and did this. I'm overly proud of it for some reason.
aged_crone requested poems in celebration, but kindly allowed limericks instead. So, while hanging out in Chatzy during the countdown to midnight, 1221bookworm and I came up with the following:
Palette Swap Ninja has a whole new album for free. It's the most brilliant mash-up of "Star Wars: A New Hope" and "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"--the whole album! It's free to download here: http://www.
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Megan has parked all the entries for the Win An ARC With Legos! contest in one place here. Take a look. And it's not too late to enter--you have until March 15. Go and find some legos to play with.
I think sometime in the last chat I might have promised you all a Romantic!Magus story for Valentines Day? Not Telling anything, but here you are! ( Click here to remain unenlightened... )