I was going to post some super serious avant-jazz track but I'm replacing it with fun instead. When accompanying videos first became popular with this game I thought first of this track because its video enhances its awesomeness. Cobra is (was?) a pop-oi! group from Japan (this isn't the Chinese all-female group of same name) that saw quite a bit of success in the late 80s and 90s. They last did a split with some group called The Ryders in 2005 and disappeared, along with their website, sometime shortly after. This track is from Captain Nippon, from 1990.
hi5haircut and I agree that this track is pretty much unstoppable. It doesn't matter if you know what they're saying; just try to not sing that chorus. They look like they're having more fun than I've had in years. I love it.
Cobra - "Oretachi" Click to view
For now I'm just putting up the vid because I'm pretty sure this will be shot down with a quickness.
edit: Link now available. Click the text above. Get loved.