Nate Evans - Pardon My Innocent Heart It's the most Clintonian song ever written in 1972!
With Pieces of Peace presiding on horns, Nate takes the stand here, guilty as charged for a macking on that other lady but rocking the most slippery sympathy plea. He says "baby, I did not inhale (her love)," he dances up and down the courtroom with a hand on his heart, the Kitty Haywood Singers get that direct examination soaring high enough to make the jury dizzy, the media circus is dancing in the aisles, we all make mistakes and really he's the victim here, baby, he's thrown himself to your mercy, he's crowd-surfing a sea of guilt but he's hoping you'll just lap at him gently, he's cryin' out "baby, my heart is yours (define is)!" Of course you forgive him; he's just got that thing about him that leaves you weak-kneed and he's so damn likable. And then he leaves you in the suburbs and runs off to Harlem, the bastard.