1.13 Children of the Damned
Damon: Whoa!
Elena: Don't do that.
Damon: Do what?
Elena: You know what. That move was deliberate.
Damon: Well, yeah, I was deliberately trying to get to the sink. Speaking of Stefan, where is he? He's missing family night which I am enjoying immensely. *After a moment* Is it real?
Elena: Is what real?
Damon: This renewed sense of brotherhood. Can I trust him?
Elena: *unconvincing and worried* Yes, you can trust him.
*Damon quickly runs closer to her*
Damon: Can I trust him?
Elena: I'm wearing vervain, Damon. It's not going to work.
Damon: I'm not compelling you. I just want you to answer me. Honestly.
Elena: Of course you can.
Elena: Good morning.
Stefan: I could get used to this.
Damon: Rise and shine, sleepyheads!
Elena: Damon! Please!
Damon: Oh, stop being smutty.
Stefan: Seriously, get out of here!
Damon: If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it. Now listen, we have some very important business to discuss.
Elena: And it has to be right now?
Damon: Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal. So, in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get therimoire to open the spells. First things firs t- since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty.
Elena: Since when am I helping?
Damon: Well, Stefan is helping, and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, there go...
*They are talking about
Damon: You know, I really like this whole menage-threesome team thing. It's got a bit of a kink to it. *chuckles* Don't screw it up.
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