Characters: Ishida Ryuuken, Kurosaki Isshin, Urahara Kisuke, Open
Location: Isshin's office, hallway, Ryuu-kun's office
Date: Friday, August 10th, 12:00
Rating: PG-13 (Violence, blood and maybe some swearing)
Summary: Deeply offended by Ryuuken's
words Isshin seeks revenge.
Madness is sure to ensue )
Comments 24
He didn't even heard Kisuke bumping his cane against the office's door. However he did listen to the voice now coming from the door frame.
"I'm impressed you actually decided to follow through with this, Kurosaki." Came Ryuuken's words.
"And I'm surprised you actually gathered enough courage to leave that damn safety cocoon of yours, Ryuu-kun. But I guess life's full of surprises."
He walked past the spot where Kisuke was standing and came face to face with Ryuuken.
"Are you ready to apologize, my friend?"
"Speaking of surprises, it's obviously not one to see that you're here, predictably right on time, Urahara-san. If I didn't know any better I'd assume that you put him up to this."
Seeing Isshin move past Kisuke, Ryuuken adjusted his glasses with a slender finger so that he could properly look down his nose at his antagonist as the distance between them was swiftly eradicated.
"I have absolutely nothing I feel the need to apologize for, Kurosaki."
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO APOLOGIZE". Isshin's cold facade had completely slipped now and instead he was now waving his arms like crazy and acting, as per normal for him, pretty hyper.
"YOU INSULTED MY OFFSPRING, NOW TAKE THOSE WORDS BACK". Finger menacingly pointing at Ryuuken's beloved glasses, Isshin stood waiting for a response from him.
"I will not apologize."
And what a show this was gearing up to be. As usual his older friends were adopting their usual tack, Isshin all hyperactive shouting, Ryuuken sneering coldness. Kisuke had to stop an amused chuckle as his eyes flicked between them, as if watching an incredibly interesting match of tennis. Gone were all thoughts of guilt (however small they had been) that his friends were ready to sock one to each other. Now, he was just wanting the inevitable, craving to witness what this was building into.
With Ryuuken's characteristically stubborn pride rearing it's head, and Isshin glowering in return, it looked like he would not have long to wait...
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