Fai app for Toujours Hotel

Jan 26, 2009 01:36

NAME: Fai D. Flourite
SERIES: Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE as well as the wiki on the man himself Fai D. Flourite
HISTORY: Being Fai, he has a really really really detailed and confusing background, so I’ll just talk about him before the actual series, as I believe that’s more important in regards to understanding him.

Fai was born in the country of Valeria together with a twin, named Fai. The revealing of this fact shows that Fai D. Flourite’s real name is Yuui, not Fai. The birth of a son was something highly anticipated at the royal court. Their father was second prince of the country. However, being twins instead made them considered a bad omen. Shortly after their birth, their father died, and their mother committed suicide out of guilt for having given birth to them. Not only that, but their country as well suffered misfortune and catastrophies, all because of this bad omen the twins brought forward. The twins each had his own strong magical power, and when combined, they shower stronger power than the current Valeria king. Not being happy with this, as well as some sort of counter to break the curse they had put upon the country, the king decided to lock them away separately, to make them unhappy and strip them from their magical powers. Before this they had each gotten the question to kill their brother, but when both refused, they were taken to a tower in a deep valley where their magic would be ineffective and the flow of time would not be moving. Fai, the original Fai, was locked in high up in the tower, and Yuui was thrown down and confined in the valley below, at the very base of the tower. They were left there, condemned to live in misery “until the world’s destruction.” However, this didn’t change the flow of bodies that was dumped in the valley, and even if the twins were unhappy, the country seemed to decay and die further. All this time, Yuui tried to climb the tower to reach his brother, in a try to escape, but he never succeeded. He tried until his fingers bled and still had no ways of getting out of there. Eventually, the king of the country became insane and started executing every person left, except for Yuui and Fai. After this, he jumped into the valley himself, and committed suicide in front of a horrified Yuui, reminding them that it was their fault the country was ridden with insanity and misfortune, and that now they would “pay for that sin” by being the only living persons left in Valeria. After a long time of suffering and loneliness, Fei Wong Reed appeared from another world, and he offered to free them from their prison, but only one to come with him. Both twins chose the other to be the one to be saved, and Fai chose to be thrown from the tower to his death, but Fei Wong tampered with Yuui’s memory to make him think that it was him that had chosen to save himself at the cost of his brother’s life. Fei Wong then used his guilt to turn him into a servant to himself, and Yuui, in order to bring his twin back to life, allowed Fei Wong to bestow upon him two curses. One of them was removed from his memory. Fei Wong then told Yuui that someone would soon come to free him from the valley and that he had to later go on a journey, protecting “a princess” (Sakura), and killing any obstacles along the way. Fei Wong then told Yuui that, upon finding a magical feather, he should put it into Fai’s body to keep it from rotting, preserving it for the time when he would return to restore his brother to life, and that when finding a second feather, the time for his journey with the princess would begin, and that he should give that second feather to her.

After this, some time later, King Ashura of Celes country in another country came to Valeria through a portal to retrieve Yuui. Upon asking his name, Yuui answered and said that his name was Fai. Ashura later gave Fai his last name, “Flourite”, the name of a precious talisman mineral. Eventually, he earned the title “D”, given to the highest magician in Celes. Ashura tutored Fai in many different ways of magic and comforted him whenever he couldn’t overcome his dark past and the memory of the death of his brother. At the time when Fai learned that he could only master magic that would “kill people”, Ashura told him that his smile had the ability to heal others to cheer him up. This gave birth to Fai’s enigmatic smiles whenever something pained him. In addition to that, and in exchange for everything he had done for him, Ashura asked Fai to promise to eliminate anything or anyone who threatened Celes. Fai found two feathers in an avalanche while helping some villagers, deciding to use one of them to create a person of his mother’s image. This person was Chii, his best and closest friend he would ever have. The other feather he used in accordance to what Fei Wong told him and put inside his brother’s dead body. Both feathers gave him the signal that it soon was time for him to go on his journey.

The first curse that Fai had had placed on himself by Fei Wong Reed was a curse to kill anyone becoming stronger than himself in the sense of magic. It would put him in a trance like state and make him kill the object or person with the stronger magic. Due to this first curse, Ashura traced a magical seal on Fai’s body in the form of a Phoenix tattoo that suppressed his powers from growing any further. As his powers grew, the tattoo's effects would weaken. It would be completely gone once Ashura had died. However, Fai’s own magic would grow stronger whenever he used it, and thus making it stronger than anyone else’s still, so Ashura’s initial plan was to make himself the person Fai would kill in the end. And even though Fai protested, Ashura told him that the curse would be broken once it had been fulfilled once. And that he wanted himself be the one that Fai would kill. After this, he erased what he had said from Fai’s memory. During this time of learning more magic, Fai created A few years later, a mysterious and deadly monster began to kill Celes’s innocent civilians. Fai remembered his promise to his king to protect Celes against anything threatening it and swore he would be the one to defeat the beast. But then he found out that Ashura was the monster, and at first, he blamed himself for what had happened to Ashura, thinking that it was this “curse of the twins” that caused King Ashura to be sick with insanity and made him kill his own people. However, Ashura told him that his magic grew when he killed, and that he always knew he’d become a murderer, though he didn’t know why it was like that. Fai realized, just then, that Ashura’s single purpose for taking him into his care was to make the boy kill him after reaching this state of insanity.

Unable to kill Ashura, after feeling that it would be like kill his own father, Fai cast a spell on him to put Ashura into a deep sleep. He transformed Chii into a net-like shield, or a container, and told her to alert him if King Ashura would ever awake. Because, he knew that no magic spell would be permanent, so eventually, the king would awaken and come after him. So to prevent this, and avoid facing him, Fai used his magic and teleported himself to the Dimensional Witch, Ichihara Yuuko, and at last he embarked on the journey together with Sakura, Syaoran, Kurogane and Mokona, starting the tale that was to be Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. The purpose of this journey was to gather Sakura’s feathers and memories again to save her life. His wish towards the Witch is to never return home to Celes country, but the price for that very wish was his tattoo that before restricted his magic, and now, as he’s without it, he’s much stronger, even though he’s sworn to never use his magic again in fear of Ashura noticing it and waking up.

Travelling with the TRC group, Fai found himself getting attached and grow fondness of the people he spent time with, and this was something he was trying to avoid, afraid he’d eventually hurt these people as well. During their travels, they went through many hardships, one being that half his magic, which is based in the blue of his eyes, is stolen by the clone of Lee Syaoran, making him more likely to kill anyone stronger than him, since getting so much weaker. Kurogane, the one person that Fai despises the most for seeing through him, and at the same time is closest to, forced him to live and saved him by agreeing to be Fai’s prey when making him a vampire with the help from Subaru and Kamui, the vampire twins of Acid Tokyo. Being stuck with having to feed on only Kurogane to live, not having asked or wanted to be saved, Fai distanced himself more and more from the others in the group, creating a sort of barrier, even stopped to give the ninja the nicknames and started to use his full name again. The first curse was put to work when Sakura showed herself more powerful than him in infinity country, and he found himself stabbing her, believing to have killed her. However, since she foresaw it, she told him it was okay, and that she would return to them. Though she never died, Fai was left traumatized and horrified, yet again thinking it was his fault. His magic then went out of control because of his unstable emotions and destroyed the surrounding area. The second curse, the one he was made to forget, was that if anyone else than him killed Ashura, Celes would be destroyed by his magic going out of control. When confronted with Ashura at last after having to go to Celes to retrieve Sakura’s body, he still couldn’t make himself kill the man, and therefore, Kurogane was the one to make the final blow that killed the king. This in turn made the world of Celes collapse with the help of Fai’s magic. He was prepared to sacrifice himself in order to save the other’s, but instead, Kurogane cut his own arm off and left it together with his sword, as an equal payment to get Fai out instead. Prior to this, Fai had given Kurogane some of his magic to seal his sword in his arm for better access, and now he left it behind to save the mage. This somehow made Fai accept that he actually meant something for the people around him, and he’s now trying to force himself to see the good things in his life instead, opening up to others. He gave up the last of his magic as payment to give Kurogane an artificial arm, making himself completely vampire, and no longer capable of handling magic. However, should he retrieve the magic from the Clone of Syaoran, he would be able to keep going without being a vampire. To save Sakura and fighting Fei Wong Reed, he’s now prepared to do what he can do to help his friends.

PERSONALITY: At first meeting, Fai is enigmatic and lively, never too late to deliver a joke or be your overly cheerful guy. He appears happy-go-lucky and good-natured as well as very carefree almost all the time. He loves teasing people and if you’re unlucky, he might even think of a ridiculous nickname for you, and use it with stupid variations. Though, he doesn’t do this to many. He seems to enjoy teasing the easily ticked-off people most and always runs off laughing when threatened with bloody murder for his antics. However, despite this, he does know how to hold himself in a fight and is a really skilled hand to hand fighter. Being a vampire and all, he’s also got these long awesome claws he can retract and extract on will. You don’t want to meet them in a fight. Fai also has his wicked side and enjoys throwing unwanted jokes around him. Despite that, if he gets attached enough to you, he will care for you, and embarrass you and make you want to punch him and hug him at the same time. In simple words, he’ll infuriate and confuse you to high levels.

All of this is what he seems to be on the outside. But once you get to know him, and, if you manage the almost impossible; get under his skin, you’ll find a very emotional and deeply scarred person. He carries a big emotional burden on his shoulders, and he doesn’t seem to see the strength he would have if he tried to care for himself more. He values his own life very little and wouldn’t mind throwing himself in front of danger if it would save someone he cares about; despite the grief it would cause his closest. When Fai is fighting in a battle, he does so very recklessly, and would only fight for real if it meant it would help if someone dear to him would be in danger. He hides his unhappiness behind a shell of happy faces and smiling taunts and silly tricks. If you would ever encounter him about his emotional state and show that you actually see trough him, he would give dark and/or enigmatic answers, either carefree ones that stray from the topic at hand, or those that are merely weak excuses for leading the life he does. He can’t seem to get over his past, and to make up for it, he hides it all behind a mask of smiles. Fai is very intelligent, even if he doesn’t give that impression most of the time.

He absolutely refuses to let people close to himself or attach himself emotionally to anyone. He regrets it when he does and believes it will only bring them harm and that they are better off without him. After being forced into being a vampire to survive (something he didn’t want to), he’s turned colder towards people he holds close and who knows how he really is. He draws into himself more and more and gives an aura of silent depression whenever he lets his guard down. However, having gained a family in the people he’s travelled with, Fai has come to appreciate life a little more, deciding for himself that maybe it’s not that bad after all. He’s got people that care about him, and he has to try and accept the fact that he’s liked and wanted. Kurogane is a very important factor in this, due to his ability to see through Fai’s very thick shell he’s put up to protect himself. When Fai has someone he grows close to, he worries about them and cares about them and would go as far as breaking his own personal vows to see to it that they are safe. Kurogane once confronted him about this and said that Fai better figure out what he’s doing with his present and future, because his past has nothing to do with how he lives his life right now.


Here are three different types of log entries. They’re in chronological order and his mood is different in each~ They're all AU, but very close to canon.

Angsty feeding vampire :|

He's teaching a class~

Christmas Party a la Fai~~

toujours hotel, application, fai d. flourite

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