Ryuzaki Shinji (Takizawa Hideaki) is a mysterious and ambitious man with a wicked heart, who possesses the power to heal pain and illness with the touch of his hand. Aoi Ryosuke (Nishikido Ryo), on the other hand, is a high school teacher with a gentle heart, but who has the ability to kill with his touch. The two happen to meet, resulting in a battle of good and evil. - Tokyograph
Yeah sorry I scabbed that off somewhere. I'm not really good at summarising things. This will be out on the 24th of this month starting at 10pm (Japan Time) on TBS.
No I haven't watched it yet :( I'm pretty busy with work and all. But sooner or later I'll get the time to watch it. I'm contemplating whether or not to purchase it from that asian media store which has dodgy subtitles or download it from the net...
I think I'll go with the first considering my Bigpond sucks monkey's ass.
Comments 4
Yeah sorry I scabbed that off somewhere. I'm not really good at summarising things. This will be out on the 24th of this month starting at 10pm (Japan Time) on TBS.
It looks real interesting if you ask me =)
Speaking of Maou, did you like it, or haven't you watched it yet?
I think I'll go with the first considering my Bigpond sucks monkey's ass.
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