you're the sky i fell through
super junior/f(x), zhou mi/victoria
pg, a hundred words ~
this is language their hearts speak
It's like a never-ending chain, of stolen kisses and quiet conversations and memories tucked away from prying netizens.
Victoria thinks it's kind of funny how they've never defined this, this caring but not-quite-loving, this understanding that neither was ever going to stop the not-quite-loving, this you know I'm always going to be there for you, right?
She says this in Mandarin because she knows this is language their hearts speak.
Zhou Mi simply smiles at her like he can see into her soul (I know, Ah Qian, of course I know) and kisses her under the darkness of the recording studio.
Note: Song Qian is Victoria's Chinese name. The 'Ah' in front of a name in Chinese is the equivalent of '-ah' at the end of a Korean name; like an affectionate term