The Colour of a Rose 13

Jul 04, 2007 23:50

Title :  The Colour of a Rose Ch 13 Red pt 4
Author :  
Pairing/Characters : Nine/Rose
Beta :
Rating : Pg-13
Spoilers : None
Warnings :  none
Disclaimer :  I own nothing except my imagination
Summary :  Nine's perspective on touching something he loves
Challenge :  dwliterotica: July Challenge : The Senses  
A/N :  This challenge inspired the following chapter.... previous chapters can be found   here

So very soft.

A velvety feel, as light as the touch of a downy cloud, floating through the air, carried along by a calm breeze. Running his long fingers over the body, oh so gently caressing the delicate skin so as not to disturb, imperceptible hairs brushing against the pads of his fingertips, awakening his sensitive nerves. Slowly opening his hand, fingers spreading outward, he allowed himself to barely skim the surface, noting the radiating warmth left in the wake of his feathery touch.

Turning his hand over he pursued the slight curves with the back of his hand, skimming his knuckles tenderly in tiny circular patterns of an ancient language known only to himself. He traced the unique outline of the figure, mindful of the subtly changing hues and shades of colour following along defined contours, the contrast of light and darkness dancing illusively along the edges.

Closing his eyes, trusting his sense of feel to guide him, he leisurely committed the echoes of touch to his memory, once again retracing his previous path over the resting shape.

He lifted the single-stemmed, red rose to his lips, grazing the satiny petals with the lightest of contact, permitting it to linger for a moment as he inhaled the hypnotic fragrance burning into the recesses of his mind, surrounding and embracing the hallowed image.

Placing the flower on the headboard he turned to face his sleeping companion. Gingerly brushing back an errant lock of lustrous blond hair, he trailed his fingers down the soft strands to the curve of her neck, gliding timidly across the jutting collar bone to the recess below her throat.

He paused, a warm desire beginning to trickle through him, he drew a line upwards, pressing fingers against the pulse point faintly, so as to leave no impression, then let the steady cadence mesmerize him. Underneath his feather-lite contact, he experienced the surge of blood pushing through her veins with every heartbeat, the thrumming resonance repeating, and he marveled in the enduring complexity, yet delicate fragility, of this precious human. Small electrical currents jolted through his body, every nerve on fire and senses heightened tenfold, as he fought to maintain some semblance of control.

Surrendering to an overwhelming compulsion, he inclined his head, replacing fingers with lips, once more shutting his eyes. Flicking his tongue between his lips he captured, and savoured, the distinct flavours that comprised his Rose. He wondered at the numerous contours of her skin, creating tiny mazes for his tongue to explore, and was thrilled at the slight increase in speed of her heartbeat when he deliberately placed a wet trail across the side of her neck in pursuit of her fleeting life essence, pulsing just below the surface.

His breath created a pocket of warmth between the space their bodies shared, causing Rose to shiver slightly when he leaned back and the room's cool air touched the thin sheet of moisture he'd left behind.

Pulling the duvet up to cover them, he rested his forehead against hers, grinning as her measured exhales tickled his face. Sliding his hand under hers, feeling the softness in her smaller hand in sharp contrast to his, he curled his fingers around hers and squeezed slightly. A contented smile played on his lips when her hand tightened in response.

fanfic, rose, nine, doctor who, colour of a rose, challenge

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