Title: A Chibi Discovery Characters: Ten/Rose, and lots of chibis Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I play with them a lot Summary: Another chibi adventure. A/N: Happy Birthday
Oh no. Now that there's a chibi Donna, none of the male chibis are safe from a slap. Will chibi Jackie, Mickey, Jake, Pete, Martha or even chibi team Torchwood be showing up next.
Shhhhhhh...I thought six chibis were tough to keep track of, and it's already grown to nine. I know I must be certifiable...and Donna has such character how could I not include her? As for others.......I go where the story tells me too.
Comments 4
Now that there's a chibi Donna, none of the male chibis are safe from a slap.
Will chibi Jackie, Mickey, Jake, Pete, Martha or even chibi team Torchwood be showing up next.
OMG, you included WIKI.
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