I choose you, Soul Resonance!

Nov 15, 2008 00:20

This is as simple as it's gonna get...
Name: Ashy
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Strengths: I'm a generous person. If you DO get me upset I can hurt you, even if I don't look like I can. I'm caring to others and I put them above myself because I find other people to be more important to me then myself. I'm also a really good person to be around.
Weaknesses: I worry too much so it gets me stressed very easily. Which then affects my shoulders and the center of my back badly. I also get sick really easily now too so I'll be out for a week and I'll even be REALLY weak body wise. I sometimes overeact to things and take them way too seriously or out of proportion like the dumbass I can be.
Video Games [especially RPGs]
Hobbies/Talents: Drawing and Piano
-Imported stuff
-my other friends LOL
-Getting stuff in the mail from my friends
-being creative
-Fantasy stuff
-Asian, Spanish, Thai, and Chinese food
-My pet cockatiel
-Lady Bugs
-Flowers [especially the ones that smell REALLY good]
-My job sometimes
-Being online
-Playing video games
-Buying stuff for my friends
-Plushies[Like beanie babies and other kids of stuffed animals +___+]
-Languages [Know English and learning Spanish and German C:]
-Polar Bears
-Cool Weather
-Cute things
-Cell Phone charms
-Dark Colors [Brown, Black, White, and Gray]
-Stripped stuff [Like on my shirts when the colors are white and black, pink and black, etc.]
-Rainy Days
-Rave~ My favorite place to shop
-Being Stressed
-Being yelled at
-Pointed out my flaws
-Others who compare their problems to mine
-Really hot days
-People who think they're better then everyone
-Getting Sick
-Getting into fights with my family
-Myself taking everything so easily
-Hating myself for not thinking I don't look pretty
-My natural hair
-People who don't appreciate my kindness
-Stupidity at great levels
-People who get offended by others opinions
-Political and Religion talk
-Being Tired
-My glasses
-Preppy kids who think they're actually rich
-People who made fun of me for drawing "anime" and not looking at my other portfolio work
-Small spaces [I will literally freak the fuck out even when I'm under my blanket okay.]
-The munchkins in the Wizard of OZ sdghdshgsd
Who were you previously stamped as? Tsubaki C:

Now a little Q&A, shall we?
Impulsive or Cautious: I'd go for impulsive. Even though I'm shy when it comes to things I won't ve over cautious and sometimes straight into them like the dumbass I am. Though I can be cautious if I have to think about the situation.
Fighter/Offense or Support/Defense: I can be both. It depends honestly. I can be a good support from the sidelines but even though I'm shy I'd want to be a fighter and get right up in front. [I tried relating it to a gym class I had where we had floor hockey and I was up front instead of guarding the goal in back] So I'm 50/50
Leader or Follower: Follower. I'm sometimes a bad leader, rofl.
Serious or laidback: I'm actually pretty serious. With my friends I guess I'm more laid. But if it comes to a job I will be serious on the matter, in discussions as well. So 50/50 on this
Protector or Protectee: I'd guess I'd be the protectee for being so weak and small hahahaha. But I would want to try my best to be a protector.

Personally, what would your weapon of choice be and why?: Long range. I've ALWAYS loved long range type of weapons. Again I consider magic long range into this as well. I never liked going front to front with someone in battle, even it video games.
You're sitting in a group when they're asked to assign a leader. Do you offer? Do you keep quiet? Do you wait until no one else offers then you volunteer?: Depends on the situation. I can actually get brave enough to volunteer to be a leader. Other then that I just wait and see if no one else offers, LMAO.
So your best friend, or really close friend if you don't have a best friend like me, tells you they need help and you're the only one who could do it! Would you?: WELL HELL YEAH, It's my fucking best friend of course I would. Though I hope they'd help me in return afterwards D8
If you were told to stay back, would you?: Aughhh...that's a really hard choice. It depends honestly. I mean I might but then comes in my thinking of "Oh I can help out too!" And "Let me do it!" and rush straight into the danger

Name a song and a little bit of the lyrics that best describe you: I honestly have no idea for a song. I'm music retarded.

The end draws near...
Next theme Suggestions, any?: Nope n__n
Anything else that you'd like to add? Anything at all?: The other themes are open right? o.o

Three applications you've voted on?
1. http://community.livejournal.com/souleater_rate/19135.html?view=128959#t128959
2. http://community.livejournal.com/souleater_rate/18760.html?view=129096#t129096

!meister/weapon theme, stamped

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