Characters Played: Tsuchimiya Kagura [
soulbondage / Ga-Rei] + Tidus [
a_wet_dream / Final Fantasy X ] + Midna [
enigmidnatic / Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess] + Tatsumi Oga [
daddybolical / Beelzebub]
vespurtine Contact
Email: at gmail
IRC: Almost always "Kagura", occasionally my other characters (Tidus, Midna, Oga)
G-chat: Same as my email! ""
Feel free to drop my a line in any of these places for any reason (IC issue, OOC issue, cool news, you're bored, etc.)
Timezone: Japan... idk what it's officially called. I'm in Australasian hour. 13 hours ahead of EST (my family is in EST, this is the only time conversion I can do o/ ).
Online: I can be around unrestricted from 5pm - 11 pm weekdays, 8am - whenever weekends (my time).
So, for EST, that's 4am - 10 am Sunday to Thursday, 7pm - whenever Friday and Saturday.
Workninja: I can sneak on at work for more normal EST hours, but I'll be spotty and slow and definitely not on IRC -- though I'm on g-chat if you need me.
There is a crit post for all of my characters, please use it! That goes for IC and OOC issues. If I'm stepping on toes, I'd like to know so I can try to work it out with you. Via email is okay too. I actually prefer crit with a name attached.
Thread-jumping: DO IT.
Thread-dropping: On my part, it's usually because I can't think of anything else to say, or I lost the notification in my inbox. Feel free to poke me if you want to continue something.
On other people's parts, don't sweat it! Sometimes you get stuck or it feels natural to end there, I understand :)
:) :D 8D