Black King
soulbaitWhite King
Black Queen
kakeravoyageroccultnurseWhite Queen
likeafirework Black Bishop
dakingofawesomedoubleppkWhite Bishop
eternallysinnedpurpledemoneyesBlack Knight
White Knight
ashesandpearls Black Castle
lists_to_portimatreenowWhite Castle
refinedmaestropolishruleBlack Pawn
galddiggerredroseprinceWhite Pawn
filmtrailcrytearsofjoy Discarded Pieces
cheerhimupfalenandawnerythrophilia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
erythrophilia ( Discarded )
A useless and dangerous murderer. Even if he had some uses in the past and possible potential uses in the future, he is far too unpredictable of be of any real merit. For now he is tolerated, but first chance that he is given Ciel might lose his temper and properly conclude the case of "Jack the Ripper" by eliminating this Death God. Though he will deny to the ends of the Earth, some part of Ciel can't help but want to get vengeance on the man for the death of his aunt, Madame Red.
cheerhimup ( Discarded )
To say that Lizzie was "discarded" is misleading: it is more that Elizabeth is someone Ciel could never consider using in the first place if he were the least bit honest with himself. One of the only remaining family members, as well as his fiancée, Elizabeth is his humanizing pet someone who sincerely annoys him and can bring him into fits of frustration just as if not more often than she makes him smile. However, he feels comfortable and almost normal in her company, allowing more emotions to flow out with her than with most other individuals. These facts, however, also make her existence in Luceti alarming. Since she arrived he has spent more consecutive time with her here than at any point since the events following his parents' deaths. He is aware it is effecting him, and it is unnerving.
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kakeravoyager ( Umineko no Naku Koro ni / Black Queen )
Ciel's love interest who is superior to him in every way. ...Okay no; the "Witch of Miracles" is a fascination for Ciel. She presents a world view which is extremely compatible with his own and one which he often can admire in a place so filled with sentiments that he hates such as Luceti is. However, perhaps because of this, he has an overwhelming need to defeat her. On the scoreboard she is probably ahead, having won every real bought this far save one (one which Ciel is not even aware he was the victor of), but still he cannot help but strive for and against her. He does enjoy her company, and he is not desperate.
occultnurse ( Higurashi no Naku Koro ni / Black Queen )
A curious and somewhat obnoxious really, she reminds him a little of Lau woman who was kidnapped by Bowser some time ago. He convinced her to stay because of the potential usefulness of her medical talents, but the truly interesting part came after the Total Recall event when, of her own will, she not only returned to the house but brought new items with obvious intention of making it a more real residence. This, coupled with a conversation with Bernkastel she had which Ciel creepered listened in on has made her very high on his "of interest" list.
likeafirework ( BLEACH / White Queen )
As far as Ciel is concerned, that dinner went well. Though Hitsugaya is someone he suspects he will never be on good terms with he is someone who might be of indirect use to him. The Captain is prone to a flawed ideology despite clearing having the intellect to know better... because of that, Ciel is confident that he might have some use for the guy later on.
dakingofawesome ( Super Mario / Black Bishop )
Bowser barged on into Ciel's life just as two climactic things had happened, changing his stay in Luceti: Lizzie showed up and Sebastian vanished. The "king" has settled into Ciel's manor and claimed it as his own. Though he is loathe to submit to it, he has accepted referring to Bowser as his superior (his lord, if you will) in exchange for the protection having a ten foot tall dinoturtle no doubt provides. Ciel, personally, does not think very highly of Bowser: he thinks him incompetent to an almost dangerous extent and overly fond of ridiculous schemes which are not made better by the fact the world he is from is apparently equally absurd. While he is useful to have around, so much so Ciel knows he is depending on him right now, he is by no means company that the boy welcomes.
doubleppk ( Lupin III / Black Bishop )
Ciel isn't quite sure what to make of Ms. Mine. While she is obviously no ordinary person (her talk freely of her guns, curses, and just her whole appearance point to the country) she has seemingly taken an interest in him far more than he in her as of now. While she is interesting (and if she is, as he presumes, some manner of rogue, potentially useful) and in a sense charming, she is not anyone he would go out of his way to converse with.
eternallysinned ( Saiyuki / White Bishop )
An annoying smiling man who is unsettling in his seemingly endless mirth. For whatever reason he's been bumping into Ciel's life with increasing frequency and he's really not sure what to make of it right now. The fact he is so helpful and he can cook earns him some points but that does not set aside the unpleasant feeling the boy gets about him.
purpledemoneyes ( Yami no Matsuei / White Bishop )
A Death God, Mr. Asato is the third variation of this existence that Ciel has met. By far, his is the most inane of the three versions. That said, the genuinely helpful (dare he admit it, kind) nature of the man leads Ciel to believe that he might be worth continued association with, irksome though he has sometimes been in their conversations.
ashesandpearls ( BLEACH / White Knight )
By a wide margin, the good Lieutenant is the most interesting and most worthwhile individual that Ciel has met in Luceti thus far. So captivated with her was he that he arranged to meet her superior and he has since tried to learn all he can about her world and the Soul Reapers which come from it. His ideologies oppose his own, but conversations with her are filled with barb and wit, something that he finds sorely lacking in most other interactions in the village. He wonders often what is going on in that head of her's, and he has made it a mission of sorts to try to find out.
lists_to_port ( Pirates of the Caribbean / Black Castle )
"Captain" Sparrow is a privateer and ne'er-do-good who essentially amounts to, in the eyes of the boy, a common thug. A particularly lucky and oddly intelligible thug, to be sure, but a crass and lowly individual nonetheless. Ciel is confident that, if needed, it would be relatively easy to coax the man over to his side or needs (hence his position) but he also has yet to find himself in such a situation.
imatreenow ( Tales of Symphonia / Black Castle )
Ciel's bff right here Mithos is a tyrannical racist prick, but not in a good way. Ciel gets the impression he might be someone potentially useful in future though, and besides that he's just been fun to poke with a stick so far. He's still not sure what to make of their horrible run in while he was "Robin" though.
refinedmaestro ( Eternal Sonata / White Castle )
Chopin, a famed figure who died a few decades prior to Ciel's time, is alive and well here in Luceti. While Ciel doesn't know much about the man or how he might differ from what he knows of him before now thus far, the mere fact there is a famous man like him in Luceti is cause to take interest in him.
polishrule ( Axis Powers Hetalia / White Castle )
Poland is, simply put, vexatious. Ciel finds the man trying at the best of times, and while he is by now convinced that Poland is (or at least sincerely believes he is) the embodiment of a country, the fact is is such an obnoxious prat makes for him to be looked at as replacement Soma someone only marginally useful. However, the uses one could find in a country as an ally outweigh the frustration of dealing with him so far. But... only just.
galddigger ( Tales of the Abyss / Black Pawn )
Initially Ciel believed Anise may be useful in spite of her somewhat irritating attitude because of the sheer might that her doll - Tokunaga - displayed. However, he realizes now that he might have mis-stepped (shooting her, in retrospect, wasn't his best moment) and he is now contemplating how to mend that gap he created. After all, someone willing to help him out of binds like that might be necessary in future, unfortunately.
redroseprince ( Rule of Rose / Black Pawn )
A timid girl who agreed with him that if "God" exists, he is a cruel being. That in and of itself was enough for Ciel to be interested in her in a place a dreadfully dull as Luceti. While he can think of little use for her thus far, the fact Jennifer is from a period in the future not that far ahead of his is heartening.
filmtrail ( Alan Wake / White Pawn )
A photographer from he distant future, Ms. Wake has down utter disregard for social customs in the meetings Ciel has had with her thus-far. While not very keen on her or what uses she may present yet, she did make an impression which has stuck with Ciel.
crytearsofjoy ( FullMetal Alchemist / White Pawn )
A kindhearted (offensively so) girl who works at the Smithy. She reacted poorly to Ciel's attempt to procure his revolver, and because of this Ciel took and interest in her. He's been putting the charm on for her since then, mostly because if she works as an engineer she may well have some useful talents he'll need down the line.
falenandawn ( Suikoden V / Discarded )
Once, Ciel played around with the idea that the noble prince of Falena would be a potentially useful piece. This idea has long since been pushed to the wayside as Ciel has come to regard Freyjadour as something between a game and a leveling board. Ciel picks apart things he says and does while all the while holding little back from his own frustrations with being in Luceti. To be put simply, at this point Freyjadour is an eyesore. While it is interesting to learn more about prince, his nation, family, and runes... it is by no means anything Ciel considers very valuable.
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Last updated December 15th, 2010.