Construction work! [OPEN]

Apr 26, 2010 00:57

Characters: Open
Where: Area between Casualty Communal
Rating: Gen, usually.
Time: July 31 to August 14
Description: People are going to construct Winry's new clinic. Volunteers, come one, come all! Also, people should be hearing construction work going on for the next couple of weeks at the H-P side.

One of your many projects. Isn't Death City busy, guests? )

conrart weller, kurapika, kuroro lucifer, yoko ritona, john watson, tassadar, neku sakuraba, taro namatame, winry rockbell, ludwig (germany), yozak gurrier, fakir, rise kujikawa, edward elric

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Comments 392

JULY 31: Laying of foundations thebestandwurst April 25 2010, 17:00:54 UTC
[In which everyone sticks metal things onto the ground and covers it in cement.]


Re: JULY 31: Laying of foundations gotphones April 26 2010, 03:17:18 UTC
[Every little bit of help counts -- he's rather skinny, but Neku's a hard worker.]


thebestandwurst April 27 2010, 15:29:39 UTC
[Here is Germany, measuring things in his precise, by-the-millimeter way!]

[He looks up at Neku, and then tilts his head.]

Are you also a volunteer? [To be fair, he doesn't bat an eye at Neku's skinniness.]


gotphones April 28 2010, 01:58:54 UTC
[Good. Otherwise, Neku might just go emo.] Yeah. Can I?[He gestures a bit. Today he's dressed in clothes he doesn't mind sweating in.]


August 1: Laying of foundations and putting up the supports and frameworks. thebestandwurst April 25 2010, 17:01:34 UTC
[Let's make a skeleton!]


soulparadox April 27 2010, 03:11:45 UTC
[What are these people doing? He stares at the work that is going on and not particularly impressed. Did it matter if such an establishment was to be made? Healing the injured so that they can continue with their fight -- why would they not rather want to find reason to stay out of the war. Be broken beyond repair. It is not theirs. Really, these people are very confusing.

And stands to watch the construction with the same apathetic -- mixture of confusion and perhaps, annoyance -- at the work.]


aiursfavoredson April 27 2010, 04:09:37 UTC
Tassadar had managed to gather information regarding the construction of the clinic. While the building itself wouldn't do more take up a number of days where they could be doing other things, the High Templar knew well the importance of proper medical facilities. That was why he had decided to head over and aid the humans while they began the initial construction of the building.

Approaching the edge of the site, the Protoss warrior caught sight of a familiar figure not far off in the distance. While he had hoped that that their conversation would leave Nataku in thought, he had never expected such a positive reaction. It was a thought that pleased the templar as he decided to approach the younger male.

"Are you her to give you aid also? Tassadar asked while closing the distance between them.


soulparadox April 27 2010, 04:21:31 UTC
His head rose as he heard the words spoken in his head. An automatic reaction rather than actually acknowledging the alien's presence first. He shook his head. "No. I have no intention or desire to help in this project." Pivoting on his heel, he stares up at the Protoss -- four feet difference was somewhat troublesome still. But he would not ask the other to kneel as he had before. His own courtesy for being humored in their previous conversation.

"I understand that you will, because you value life and would not like it to be lost." Nataku repeated a bit of the conversation that they had, showing that he remembered and had been thinking on it. "However, when one is in a war, the loss of life is unavoidable. They are only holding off the inevitable." His gaze returned to those that are working -- head tilted just slightly as the unspoken words that he did not understand were more or less voiced in his gesture.

"They are very strange."


August 2: Putting up the supports and frameworks, putting up the roofing skeleton, and walling. thebestandwurst April 25 2010, 17:03:19 UTC
[Fourth wall already provided.]


forthecamera May 8 2010, 01:09:38 UTC
[Rise has never done this before, but she's a fast learner! She's mostly been moving around to see whoever could use some assistance. ]


thebestandwurst May 8 2010, 17:09:21 UTC
[... This day has a lot of backbreaking work, Rise...]

[Germany looks up at the popstar and tilts his head.] You are Kanada's partner.


forthecamera May 10 2010, 18:37:13 UTC
[She looks to Germany when addressed and nods, smiling]

I am. We've met before. [she gives him a small bow of her head]


August 3: Putting up the roofing skeleton, and walling. thebestandwurst April 25 2010, 17:04:20 UTC
[Still at it.]


Waiting for Watson <3333333 aiursfavoredson May 4 2010, 04:44:32 UTC
The moon might have been out, but it didn't hinder the Protoss' sense of sight in the slightest. He could see just as well in darkness as he could throughout the day, but Tassadar did find himself rather curious over the differences. Jim Raynor had never mentioned such things when he spoke of Earth, but then again, the human race didn't in his sector hadn't been within Earth space for generations.

Walking towards the construction area, Tassadar's movements slowed to an eventual halt as he glanced around. There had been quite a lot done since the work had begun a few days back, and the templar quietly observed what was to happen next. He'd never constructed an actual building before, let alone a Terran based one, but he found it to be rather satisfying.

If only Zeratul and Fenix could see him now. The thought left the Protoss warrior chuckling lightly.


stalwartcane May 4 2010, 06:40:25 UTC
Watson had stayed away from the construction on-going for Miss Rockbell's new clinic. He was a physician, a former-halfpay soldier, and an old man at that - he was neither built nor had the constitution to manage the heavy labor of construction, nor did he particularly appreciate all the dust that went up because of the construction activities ( ... )


aiursfavoredson May 4 2010, 14:52:01 UTC
Tassadar had noticed the movement behind him and hardly found himself concerned by the presence. He could taste the scent of the air across his skin, and hardly found himself feeling threatened. Besides, there weren't many humans alive that would attempt to take on a Protoss warrior by themselves and without weapons.

The cry of alarm did, however, catch the templar's attention. Stepping back and around, the blue glow in his eyes flashed a bright yellow in the darkness as he caught sight of the individual.

The moment he saw the man's reaction, it became obvious his presence had startled the aging human. Relaxing his body stance, Tassadar's mind stretched out to touch on the human's mind as he calmly spoke, "You have nothing to fear, for I will not harm you."


August 4: Putting up the roofing skeleton, and walling. thebestandwurst April 25 2010, 17:08:46 UTC
[Last one!]


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