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weapon seeking meister awesomeboots February 22 2010, 00:23:59 UTC
[Lenalee was more than a little bit determined to find herself a partner at this event. From the moment she arrived, she was on the look-out for anyone who might be suitable. Not that she could tell meisters and weapons apart, but still. She had to start somewhere.

Feel free to approach her. Or not.]


a_r0yal_flush February 23 2010, 04:40:29 UTC
He really didn't like bothering other people over things, not when he was so unsure of everything himself. Yuuri had no doubt that Lenalee really was such a great person, and the thought caused his smile to turn more honest.

"One of my close friends wants me to partner up with him. I want to protect him... protect everyone... and he says that he only feels safe when I'm there with him." Yuuri said, "And I want to be there with him, but he wants to go out and fight in the coming battle. I-I don't want to let him down and not protect him."


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 21:14:08 UTC
She nodded, slowly, tapping her chin lightly in thought. "That does cause a problem, doesn't it... Have you tried to convince him not to go into battle? If you haven't successfully turned into your weapon form, or the two of you haven't been able to resonate, perhaps it's not a good idea to go out onto the field just yet. You could point out that that doesn't mean you can't partner up, it just means it would most likely be safer for the both of you to sit this conflict out."


a_r0yal_flush February 23 2010, 22:38:46 UTC
"He wants to fight so then he can get back to his kingdom, so I doubt that he'll be persuaded out of fighting... Although... I can understand where he's coming from... maybe I should be doing more to get Conrad and the others home." Somewhere throughout the conversation, Yuuri had found himself distracted by thinking out loud. What sort of king was he when he couldn't even go out and do everything he could to get everyone home? They were his responsibility as much as they were his friends.

Glancing over to Lenalee, his smile became more genuine as he murmured, "I've been able to change into my weapon form, but we haven't tried resonating yet, so I might just be worrying over nothing."


awesomeboots February 25 2010, 21:15:50 UTC
She gave Yuuri a concerned look. "He's from another kingdom?" she asked, softly. "Well... I can understand you're feelings about wanting to get your friends home. But at the same time, if they're your people, then I imagine... I imagine they'll follow you faithfully wherever you go, whether it's returning home or staying here awhile longer."

Lenalee nodded in understanding. "I see. No, I don't think you're worrying over nothing. You're worries are all grounded in reasonable concerns, after all."


meister... not really looking for a weapon. fromthewaves February 22 2010, 03:01:24 UTC
[Naminé, on the other hand, was here only to see how people interacted. There were a lot of odd people, but she decided to head towards the table of food first, maybe to select something to drink.

The dark-haired girl standing near it didn't seem scary at all, either, so that was okay.]


awesomeboots February 22 2010, 03:16:41 UTC
[Lenalee kept close to the food table, glancing at the couple of people that were congregating in the same area. One girl in particular, one with blonde hair, was close to her, and Lenalee offered her a small smile.]


fromthewaves February 22 2010, 03:19:53 UTC
[Have a curious look thrown in your direction, Lenalee, then have a small, shy smile back. She's not used to being openly welcomed in reality.]


awesomeboots February 22 2010, 03:22:35 UTC
[Encouraged by the girl returning her smile, Lenalee turns fully towards her, and says, softly and cheerfully:] Hello!


fromthewaves February 22 2010, 03:25:37 UTC
Hi... [She turns a little to face the other girl, her hands around a dark pink cupcake. It really shouldn't look that toxic. But yes, this whole socializing thing is pretty novel.]


awesomeboots February 22 2010, 03:51:49 UTC
[Lenalee tilted her head to the side, peering curiously at the other girl.] Are you alright? I didn't startle you, did I?


fromthewaves February 22 2010, 03:56:11 UTC
Um, no, sorry. I'm just... [Have a headshake.] I've never been to a place like this.


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 01:53:40 UTC
[She shakes the girls hand and tries to offer her a reassuring smile.] Most of us haven't been, really. You're not alone.


fromthewaves February 23 2010, 04:59:54 UTC
[Have another shy smile.]

... are you here to look for a partner?


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 21:10:50 UTC
[She nods.]

Yes, that's right. And yourself?


fromthewaves February 24 2010, 02:24:08 UTC
[She looks down at her hand, growing thoughtful. The other girl's hand was so warm.]

I don't know.


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