Characters: The Watch and whoever wants to drop in, especially if they were in the Capture the Flag log!
Location: The Northern Lights
Rating: G
Time: December 31, early evening onwards
Description: Another New Year's party, partially courtesy of Team B. XD
Can't go wrong with having more parties, eh? )
Perhaps when they are in season, we might buy ourselves some with the capital we have due to our work in the Watch, and taste them. Yes, I think that should workout splendidly.
Oh, then how about some roasted nuts? They seem to be a seasonal favourite this time of year, from what I remember.
Wait, you mean to tell me that he is able to breathe fire?
[Because that... is the first he's ever heard of it.]
He could come in quite useful, especially if he could do that. Though not all dragons breathe fire. Just certain ones.
As for the joke, that one is quite clever indeed.
[Yeah, it went over his head for a moment, and is trying to recover with that last sentence.]
[No.... admit it.]
I did not. Not at first, anyhow. I was rather taken aback at what I thought would have been the news that he is indeed a firebreather.
He could safely roast them in the kitchen, and since the nuts are so small, then he would not have much of a problem if he did them individually, correct?
[That seems like it would be joke-worthy.]
Leave the humor to me and Mushu, Tem.
I can be clever as well...! But I will gladly concede to your point, and leave that to Mushu and yourself.
Whatever for?
[Yeah, but she had to explain it. =| He really is going to need to study this "humour" thing, won't he? Hers seem to have a sarcastic edge to it, and he can get sarcasm. But it also seems to be laced with a bit of a certain je ne sais quoi quality that has him thinking.]
The clever shine for their brilliance, and an idiot is... what he is, and the contrasts are made clearer still when comparing one with another!
[because explaining it would have her know he gets it.]
Oh, but if that is so, then this city has only a handful of people that can fit that description.
[He won't state whom, however.]
Perhaps not in such a drastic manner, but I have come across a person or other, who seemed to not understand things correctly when I tried to explain to them that I am not some figment of their imagination...
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