Nov 14, 2011 07:47

Characters: Kasuga, Sarutobi Sasuke
Location: Fatality Condominiums 6A
Rating: PG-13
Time: December 30th, just after 6am
Description: Sasuke waylays Kasuga at home and ambushes her, though perhaps not in a manner that she is expecting. Then again, maybe it's exactly what she would expect from him.

...And she always carries kunai. )

kasuga, sarutobi sasuke

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Comments 5

ablushingblade November 13 2011, 21:31:30 UTC
Since the desert-city had become chillingly cold, Kasuga had changed her routine from coming in from the balcony window to actually taking the stairs and front door. Even her daily routine of heading straight from her shift to daily training had changed with the weather as the need for appropriate winter attire had come about. After all, it would not due to stand around in a bodysuit that showed over half of her body off on a freezing six our shift.

While Kasuga was silent as ever as she padded down the hallway to the front door, the way the keys jangled in her hand as she made to unlock the door was not. Without a word, she opened the door to the apartment, setting the keys on the little hook by the door and entered the room. "I'm home," she announced as her eyes landed on the lounging shinobi, eyes narrowing. "Shouldn't you be preparing for training?"


totallynottalon November 13 2011, 21:52:22 UTC
Slow to react and already dealing with the criticism - this plan in particular seemed as if it was already off to a bad start. Still, Sasuke wasn't one to be concerned by minor setbacks. It's not like he hadn't prepared contingencies for the (inevitable) event that Kasuga was less than receptive. Rather than become defensive or respond with a jibe, he simply gave one final, languid stretch and climbed to his feet. Otherwise, he merely appeared unconcerned, but not rudely so ( ... )


ablushingblade November 13 2011, 22:02:14 UTC
"With me?" she started, blinking curiously at him. She had no idea what this could possibly be about, the only thing they had to actually speak of was Yuffie or something to do with their partnership and as far as Kasuga was concerned, there was no problems with either.

"Ah--" Flowers? For her? The tiniest flush crept to her cheeks as she found herself flustered by the gesture. However, had it been from anyone else she would have been grateful, albeit equally taken-aback. But to the kunoichi, having come from Sasuke it meant something else all together. Slowly, her eyes traveled along the flowers, up his arm and to his face. She did not miss his expression and it only caused more concern.

Narrowing her eyes, she made a swift motion in turning on the balls of her feet. "I don't want them," she responded, her voice low as she glared off at the opposite side of the room.


totallynottalon November 17 2011, 04:33:05 UTC
That much had been far more expected, at least, even if he was inwardly amused at the hint of a blush from Kasuga.

"...Ah." Sasuke ducked his head seemingly from muted embarrassment, habitually scratching at his cheek before glancing away in the other direction, not meeting her eyes. "I... didn't realize that you didn't like flowers..." he murmured far more quietly, deflated, and with traces of disappointment tinging his expression.

"Or... did I get the colour wrong?" He studied the roses in his hands more closely now, far more analytical, and said aloud as much as to himself, "I'm told that red is more traditional, but I saw these and couldn't help but think of you..." He could've continued and begun lauding her exact reminiscent virtues, but Sasuke didn't want to lay it on too thick. After all, he was more used to outrageous flirting.


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