G is for Gifts. [OPEN]

Oct 23, 2011 14:46

Characters: Takasugi, all the people he's giving gifts to, and whoever wants in!
Location: All over the place. Feel free to choose where Takasugi meets you - I'll have him drop in on you. :3
Rating: G for now!
Time: December 24, during the day down to early evening or so
Description: He doesn't celebrate Christmas, but he knows it's important for ( Read more... )

takasugi shinsuke, selendis, katsura kotarou, tsukuyo, sakamoto tatsuma, kawakami bansai

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[Late morning? | City Streets] silvershamurai October 29 2011, 14:11:22 UTC
Christmas Eve. The season of giving. The season of joy. The season of empty pockets and crying parents and old men with bowel problems dressed as Santa, wishing the kid sitting on their knee would stop fidgeting for one second.

Gintoki pulled his kimono tighter around him, eyebrows knitting together half from annoyance, half from the cold. He couldn't wait until the day was over, and he could retreat back to his apartment with people he could honestly enjoy the company of tolerate. Until then, hanging around the Yorozuya office would have to suffice, assuming he wouldn't slip on the ice and put himself in a coma. But stuff like that only ever happened in anime.

...wait a minute.


silvershamurai November 18 2011, 05:48:10 UTC
Before that though.

"Did you Zura tell you about my bike back home?"


alastinglight November 18 2011, 15:29:20 UTC
"He may have mentioned it, yeah."

Wheedling? Just a little. Trust in your bro to be vague when it comes to how obsessive he is about doing the best for you guys.


silvershamurai November 22 2011, 11:37:20 UTC
He'll just let that slide. What's done is done, and he really is grateful. But damn that idiot for saying anything at all, geez.

"Next time just go out for a drink with me or something, okay?"


alastinglight November 23 2011, 12:08:10 UTC
"We can always do that though."

Innocent blinking. Yes, Takasugi really couldn't see how that could make a good gift.

(Feel free to smack him.)


silvershamurai November 28 2011, 03:44:22 UTC
And that's when Gintoki pulled the boy towards him, grinding a knuckle into the top of his skull.

"I'm always kicking Zura around, that make it any less fun?"


alastinglight November 28 2011, 16:36:40 UTC
That, of course, made Takasugi wince. The boy's hands immediately flew up to his head, trying to fend Gintoki off.



silvershamurai December 4 2011, 07:06:48 UTC
Though the abuse against Takasugi's skull came to a stop, Gintoki didn't release him.

"I'll let you go if you just buy me a drink next time." He paused as another though hit him. "And after everything's said and done here, and we all get sent home... treat me to another drink."

Because his younger self would like that as much as his present self would.


alastinglight December 5 2011, 06:15:00 UTC
"It might be hard, you know, making you stay awake long enough for me to ask you."

He was only half-joking. The Shiroyasha's lethargy off the battlefield was legendary.


silvershamurai December 5 2011, 09:29:49 UTC
Gintoki gave the boy's head a quick ruffle before he released him.

"If I start to doze off, then give me a bit of a kick." But then he quickly amended his statement. "And make sure to keep out of striking range for the first few minutes."


alastinglight December 5 2011, 10:03:08 UTC
"That isn't much of a problem."

Takasugi frowned a bit when he was finally given space, taking a moment out to repair the damage Gintoki had done to his hair.


silvershamurai December 12 2011, 02:45:28 UTC
"Oi oi, don't underestimate a lazy man when he's angry. Like dwarves, we're dangerous over short distances."

He then gave the boy a wave.

"Well, I won't keep you. You've probably got other stuff you need to be doing, right?"


alastinglight December 12 2011, 15:44:01 UTC
"Yeah. More gifts to deliver, mostly."

Takasugi straightened up and smiled.

"I'll see you soon."


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