Characters: Lucy & Sougo.
Location: Casualty Communal, Lucy's room.
Rating: PG-PG-13 for S&M.
Time: After Sougo's network post/demand
Description: So he's going on a mission and though she's filled to the brim with mixed feelings, she wants to send him off with a smile ... and cocoa.
And I wonder if the warmth will last until morning. )
So he casually strolled to Lucy's room, knocking a few times on the door. "Shinsengumi. Open up."
"Thanks for the cocoa."
She perked up at his thanks, a little surprised before replying with a fairly pleased smile, "you're welcome, Sougo." There was a pause before she added, "and I'll make it for you again. You know, after you come back from your mission."
He approached Lucy, standing in front of her. This was goodbye for a little while, right? And he didn't know what to say. He'd walked over with the intention of hugging her, but now that he got there it seemed a bit awkward. This wasn't in the context of their date. No holiday magic or festival festivities were in the works to propel actions forward -- so Sougo was stuck.
He reached upward -- giving her a little ruffle to her hair (good M, good M), "I'm counting on it. Don't disappoint me, alright?"
Honestly, it’d be a lie to say she wasn’t worried or concerned about the entire thing. Or that she’d like to push her point further or even that she wanted a promise or two out of him, whether casually made or not. But, somehow, at the same time, she realized she didn’t need any of that. After all, her trust in him went without saying.
She shyly ducked her head a little in response, “Of course not! … I’ll definitely include more blue ones next time, too!” Then there was a smile (and maybe a raised hand, smoothing out her hair), “you too, work hard, Sougo. I’ll be cheering you on.”
"But your default is pretty loud -- so imagine how much more noisy you can be if you actually try," he had faith in her to withhold her end as well. He didn't turn back around, simply offered a single handed wave before making his way to the door.
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