Aug 31, 2011 22:46

Characters: Ran Fan and anyone who wants to visit
Location: The Clinic
Rating: Ballpark guess, PG?
Time: December 11th-12th, whenever people are allowed in
Description: After being found in the midst of a breakdown, Ran Fan is now (begrudgingly) resting where people can see her for a few days. Watch people would have heard an announcement that she ( Read more... )

phoenix wright, noa voilier, tenten, roy mustang, john watson, ran fan

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strengthtohelp September 1 2011, 14:40:58 UTC
[After finishing his shift at the daycare center, Noa headed for Ran Fan's room. A knock on the door before entering.]

Ran Fan? How are you doing? [Places a small vase of flowers from the gift shop on her table. She doesn't seem the type to appreciate excess flourish.] I bought you some flowers.


strengthtohelp October 4 2011, 00:09:28 UTC
[That's fine, Ran Fan. Noa can work with that.

Blinks and looks up.] Have you been to the arcade? I haven't myself, so it would be a first for both of us. [And she'd probably easily beat him at anything, ha.] There are all sorts of eateries too, like Death By Pastry or a tea shop for something light or any of the sit-down places for a more substantial meal. [From here, it's like he ticking off a mental check list.] If you like we can see a movie, or there's the library and bookstore if you want a book to read, or there's the rec room if any sort of sport...

[Is this... helping at all, Ran Fan?]


exploding_kunai October 7 2011, 02:47:40 UTC
[Yes, even though it's pretty overwhelming for her to try to consider all of this at once, especially since...]

I have only been to some restaurants...

[She's not saying that to shoot down any of the suggestions, she's just trying to say that she has no experience with the other options.]


strengthtohelp October 12 2011, 13:46:08 UTC
Oh. [Perks up.] Which ones have you gone to? We can go there, or if you want to try something new we can eat at a different one.

[Goes quiet for a bit. Awkwardly quiet.] Is this sounding... too friendly? [By which, he meant "like a date," but that would probably freak her out even more. Maybe they should bring along other friends to make it less awkward?]


exploding_kunai October 14 2011, 05:07:46 UTC
Death by Pastry. And Deathdonald's. [And those are the only ones that have officially been in posts.] Any is fine.

[Blink. Yeah, she's inept enough to not really get what he means. This isn't much like that conversation she had with Minato that didn't end well. Completely snapping got her out of that one...]

...I do not know. [Was that bad?]


strengthtohelp October 17 2011, 17:01:06 UTC
So you've been to the "chain" restaurants then. [Rolls up his eyes.] A few guests have started their own restaurants. We could go to those to support them.

O-oh, I see. I guess... [well, explaining himself is going to be kind of clumsy] I want to say I'm doing this as a friend. There aren't any ulterior motives behind it.


exploding_kunai October 17 2011, 17:51:13 UTC
[She thinks for a second and then nods in agreement.]

[Sorry about that. It takes just another second before it finally clicks. She seems slightly uncomfortable as the other possibility crosses her mind, but this seems to pass quickly.] R-Right.


strengthtohelp October 28 2011, 23:08:38 UTC
[Mumbles under his bresth and pushes up his glasses. Taking his time to make sure they're on good and properly, too. Yup.] Yes, it's... Good to have that cleared up now. We-we can still do uh, something else if you would prefer. Whatever you like.


exploding_kunai October 30 2011, 01:52:59 UTC
Y-Yes. [And she frowns a bit and looks away.] ...I will have to think about it. [Since she still needs to figure out what she likes in the first place.]


strengthtohelp November 6 2011, 03:52:07 UTC
[Nods furtively.] O-of course. You shouldn't rush yourself. [Takes a breath to calm down from the residual awkward of ah, certain explanations.] You need to recover, Ran Fan. That's the most important thing right now.


exploding_kunai November 6 2011, 05:27:44 UTC
[Her expression doesn't change any, nor does her point of focus. After a moment she gives a stiff nod in response.]


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