
Aug 30, 2011 10:52

Characters: INCITATIVE, eventually mostloyaldog
Location: Basketball court south west of the Casualty Communal
Rating: G
Time: December 10th, mid-morning
Description: Kiyomasa wandered away from the Casualty Communal and is completely inept at life.

we go play hoop )

tokugawa ieyasu, katakura koujurou, kato kiyomasa

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[Afternoon?] incitative September 11 2011, 13:14:07 UTC
[After meeting with Kojuurou and getting another brief tour of Death City, Kiyomasa decided to gain his bearing. He traced the steps he took while with Date's retainer and found himself returning to that basketball court.

However, this time, the court was not quite as empty as he had left it. There was a man there, wearing a yellow hood and bouncing a ball, moving across the terrain quickly and throwing said ball up and into the hooped ring that was attached to a tall, metal pole. It seemed a futile act, as the ball would just fall through the bottom of the hoop - but the hooded man didn't seem to mind. He simply bounced the ball and ran to the other end of the court to do the same thing over again.

As Kiyomasa drew nearer, he could see a particular, unmistakeable emblem switched in to the man's hood. He froze a moment, a faint hope beginning to rise up in his chest - that was the crest of the Tokugawa clan. This man is an ally ( ... )


incitative September 17 2011, 13:28:40 UTC
Mitsunari's here?!

[Kiyomasa's tone instantly changes, clenching his hands into fists. What is that fool doing here? To Kiyomasa's knowledge, this world summoned worthy fighters to aid it in this war... So why would they ever consider asking for that fool's aid?]

It doesn't matter whether he is from my world or your own... I will not allow him to threaten the sanctity of my house.


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incitative September 18 2011, 12:50:18 UTC
[Two Mitsu-- ....Brain, shutting down right about now.

With a small shake of his head, Kiyomasa can only offer a sympathetic look. Two Mitsunaris. Two.]

Might I begin by saying "I'm sorry"?


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incitative September 19 2011, 22:18:12 UTC
There is something in this world worse than two Mitsunaris?

[He's attempting to make light of the situation... Though the thoughts does cross his mind - what could be worse than two of that fool?]


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incitative September 21 2011, 09:12:24 UTC
My heart may be unable to handle such news. It may be best we refrain for the time being.

[Besides... There is a great deal more he wants to know about you, Ieyasu.]


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incitative September 22 2011, 13:13:59 UTC
Very well... If it is none too forward, I do have some questions of my own for you, Tokugawa Ieyasu.

[He pauses a moment but Ieyasu offers up no rejection. He continues.]

You seem to know a fair deal about where I come from... From what you have said, I can only assume you have had an unfortunate encounter with the Mitsunari I am familiar with. Again, I offer up my apologies for you having to deal with such a stubborn fool... But I am most unfortunately blind to the Hi-no-Moto you have come from. While I realize it is a heavy request... Tell me what you recall. Tell me of your allies and your enemies, I do wish to prepare myself accordingly, should I face them.


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