Characters: Rikku and Rinzler
Location: Pet shop!
Rating: PG
Time: Evening of Dec. 5th
Description: Rikku wants a kitten. Rinzler reminds her of a kitten. Clearly, the best idea is to take Rinzler kitten shopping with her.
Growltiger was a bravo cat who traveled on a barge~♫ )
Comments 59
It was just Rikku. He put the knife away and set the staff next to the door before cautiously opening it.
His head tilted, purring sound inquisitive. It had been a while since he'd last seen her. What had she been doing?
He shook his head no and took a sip of the coffee. There was nothing to do until it was time to head down to work.
"Wanna go to the pet shop with me? I wanna get a kitten, and I don't think you've seen those up close yet, right?"
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