[Closed:invite only]

Aug 08, 2011 12:27

Characters: Zelos Wilder and Colette Brunel
Location: Out and about Death City
Rating: G
Time: Dec. 4th mid afternoon-ish?
Description: In a switch of places Colette is now the one who knows more about the world they are in, she is going to show Zelos all the important things (to her).

Two sides of the same coin )

zelos wilder, colette brunel

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oblivious_klutz August 9 2011, 04:40:59 UTC
Colette was excited, eager to show her friend around. She planned to show him the park, the ice cream shop, her work (Death by Pastry), and the pet store. There was also perhaps the cinema to show him for future reference, she considered, hurrying along to the Communal. As she approached and saw Zelos' familiar pink and red she rushed, stumbling once but managing to straighten. "Ah, I hope you weren't waiting too long!"


oblivious_klutz September 8 2011, 07:10:08 UTC
Colette was taken aback with the hug, though she knew they were friends and he was the one likely to understand her in some ways better than anyone else since they were both Chosen, he didn't seem the type to really open up to just anyone from what she knew of him so far, at least. She relaxed though, leaning into the hug and returning it in kind, grateful for his support and understanding. "I will...."


cuzamybestbud September 9 2011, 07:27:04 UTC
He let the hug last a little longer before pulling back a bit and giving her a nearly roguish smile. "Then that is that, now why don't we get moving again?" He gave her a wink along with the smile.


oblivious_klutz September 9 2011, 07:54:56 UTC
Colette pulled back a little when she felt him loosening the hug, giving a small nod as she smiled, a little embarrassed but touched at the same time. It was usually her trying to reassure and comfort others, not this. "Yes! I'll show you around!" She stepped forward, composing herself a little, leading the way.


cuzamybestbud September 10 2011, 05:02:31 UTC
Zelos smiled, following her. "So what do you like doing around here?"


oblivious_klutz September 10 2011, 21:09:44 UTC
"Well....mostly I like walking with Caramel, my dog. But it's also fun exploring since this city is so different from home....." Colette mused, trying to explain. It really was amazing, so many different people from so many different places and times. And the city itself was so unique, she doubted if there was anywhere else like it.


cuzamybestbud September 12 2011, 18:01:30 UTC
"It really seems like there are a lot of interesting people around here." Zelos said, nodding a little in understand of what Colette was talking about.


oblivious_klutz September 13 2011, 10:01:27 UTC
"There are! We could learn so much! I mean, if we remember when we go home......"


cuzamybestbud September 15 2011, 00:33:00 UTC
"Even if our minds forget, I don't think our hearts ever really will."


oblivious_klutz September 15 2011, 00:54:55 UTC
Colette considered this for a moment. It seemed some who arrived and left before returning here really did forget, but there were some who did seem to remember. She couldn't tell why, exactly. "...I think, at least with some, that seems true."


cuzamybestbud September 15 2011, 02:17:27 UTC
"Well even if there is a slight chance then there is a chance." Zelos said, smiling brightly at her. "If we move forward with all our strength than I am sure we will succeed."


oblivious_klutz September 15 2011, 21:16:42 UTC
"Y-yes. I'm sure we will too. Even if it might be taking longer then we thought...." Because she knew she had her duties back home, a lot of people BREW brought in did. But the only way it would take them all home is when the war was over.


cuzamybestbud September 16 2011, 04:06:52 UTC
"So long as we keep moving forward and never give up we will make it." Zelos said.


oblivious_klutz September 17 2011, 02:15:42 UTC
"Yes. We will....with everyone working together." Colette agreed with a nod, pausing when they approached closer to Death by Pastry.


cuzamybestbud September 17 2011, 19:12:52 UTC
"Is this the place?" He asked, deciding that switching topics would be good at this point.


oblivious_klutz September 18 2011, 01:56:38 UTC
"Yes, this is where I work!" Colette confirmed with a smile. She was getting better at remembering orders and not tripping up quite as much, at least, after her time there.


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