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Comments 513

August 31st, 2009 - Tuesday soul_mods August 21 2010, 22:11:26 UTC
[The very wee hours of the night, when the madness wave is practically gone. Some people are still being brought in]


For Naomi [closed] call_me_h0ney August 22 2010, 01:12:36 UTC
Brock had thanked Hani for assisting him to the clinic before the other left. They'd have to meet up again later at some point so that Brock could properly talk to him.

But right now, the pain in his jaw was excruciating. He groaned. He hadn't seen what his face looked like, but he was sure it wasn't pretty. He was pretty sure his nose had been bleeding, and there was possibly a dislodged tooth, judging by the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. The swelling was making it extremely difficult to talk. Brock was hoping that Naomi was still around to help him out - he remembered they'd been together at the clinic earlier that day...

[ooc: yeah...dislocated jaw XDD. Feel free for Naomi to tell him off haha!]


deadshallspeak August 23 2010, 04:44:16 UTC
There were no bruises or signs of blood on her person, and her chest no longer suffered the pangs she thought she'd felt before, but Naomi still worried. Rosalia...it was a serious threat, if it was truly here. Logically, there was no cure here so if it got out in the city there was no stopping it; and personally, she didn't want to die. Tests would be more helpful to confirm or deny its presence, but she hadn't had the time for it all day with everything that was going on.

She heard a familiar groan signaling Brock's return, though the fact that he was groaning concerned her. She turned--and the sight of her partner with his face bashed up and bleeding was enough to jar her out of her thoughts.

"What happened?" That wasn't a good question, knowing what was going on out there. "Never mind. Come on, we need to get you fixed up. Can you talk?" Whether or not he could, she would have to look him over carefully. Those injuries didn't look good at all.


call_me_h0ney August 23 2010, 22:03:33 UTC
Brock was relieved to see Naomi was still at the clinic. He'd prefer his partner look him over than anyone else. "Sort...of," he slurred out in a mumbling voice. "It's....pretty...painful." He sat on the edge of one of the beds to let Naomi examine him.

"I...think I...was punched....or kicked...I don't really....remember."


September 1, 2009 - Wednesday soul_mods August 21 2010, 22:12:19 UTC
[The day after the madness wavelength. Some people may not have physical ails, but the experience of nearly going crazy can certainly incarcerate many]


Romano's section middayitaly August 21 2010, 23:39:23 UTC
[After being scolded by one of the staff for yelling at his communicator too much and being disruptive in general (which, by the way, was all Prussia's fault), Romano was now just taking some time for badly needed relaxation, waiting for when he could be officially released from this place. The people were nice enough, sure, but... the food was kinda shitty.

With an exhale that was somewhere between an indignant huff and a tired sigh, he rolled onto his side with a bit of a wince and closed his eyes. He was probably leaving sometime today, because really, his wounds weren't that bad. Sure, Luki had roughed him up, but nothing that would need any special attention in particular. In fact, he felt that the somewhat bloodied bandages around his head and his side looked pretty overdramatic, and Romano wasn't usually the type to downplay his injuries. Mostly, he just felt really sore and tired, more than anything else ( ... )


seizeyoursouls August 22 2010, 04:10:28 UTC
[SUDDENLY. A giant boot foot stomped on Romano's bed. It didn't actually step on him or shake the bed violently but it was enough to be noticed. Ah, there was Prussia. Sorry Romano. Looks like you couldn't escape it. He seemed to be in a particular mood, too, but luckily, he liked Romano. Romano would have a generally "nice" nurse. For now.]

Oiiiii! Gonna change your bandages now.


middayitaly August 22 2010, 04:16:35 UTC
[He was just about to drift off, maybe to get some nice restful sleep when--

SUDDENLY THERE IS A FOOT ON HIS BED AND SOME REALLY OBNOXIOUS VOICE CLOSEBY, THIS CANNOT BE A GOOD THING, and so he sort of lets out a startled yell and scrambles away as far away as he can while still staying on the bed. Although, fuckowshit, he really should not make sudden movements. With a bit of disorientation from abruptly waking up, he blinks at Prussia.]

What the fuck?! You're doing that?!


September 2, 2009 - Thursday soul_mods August 21 2010, 22:13:38 UTC
[The clinic is unusually quiet...]


nevergetscredit August 22 2010, 02:50:38 UTC
By now, in addition to having one heck of a headache, Merlin was getting rather bored. There wasn't much to do in the clinic other than sit around, or occasionally wonder over to chatter at some of the other patients - and while Merlin definitely appreciated not having to do chores, he couldn't really enjoy not doing chores properly. Not when stuck in a hospital bed.

But, even though Merlin was putting on a smiling face and trying to act normal, he still couldn't help feeling...down. For one precious, glorious moment, he'd had his magic again. It hadn't been gone after all, just locked away somewhere that Merlin couldn't reach it. But he'd only had that magic back for a moment, and that rush had been tainted by the effects of the insanity wave. It was like Merlin hadn't been Merlin, and the experience had terrified him more than he'd like to admit. He found himself wishing it could happen again, and fearing it at the same time.

Still, he'd try not to show that to anyone who visited him.


magicthreads August 22 2010, 03:17:03 UTC
Sandry had waited while Merlin was still unconscious, hoping to see him wake up, but had realized that making bandages might be more urgent while she still had her magic. Most of them weren't perfect- her hands had been shaking, an effect of the madness she assumed- but they would work well enough if they were wrapped several times.

Now, returning to the clinic, she gave the bandages to someone and went to check on Merlin. When she saw him, awake and slightly chipper, her face relaxed into a smile. "Oh, you're awake! Thank the gods, you were out like a light."


nevergetscredit August 22 2010, 03:28:31 UTC
Merlin grinned at Sandry, glad for a break in the monotony. "Can't sleep forever!" he said cheerfully.

But then he frowned a little - it was hard to remember what had happened, when it had felt to Merlin like the rest of the world had ceased to exist, but Sandry had been watching him train, hadn't she? "Were you...were you alright? I thought you were nearby..."


September 3, 2009 - Friday soul_mods August 21 2010, 22:16:13 UTC
[There is the sound of construction work within the city, no surprise seeing as how much damage was done]


kidkittyclaws August 22 2010, 16:11:36 UTC
[Out of bed, still recovering-ish, but too restless to stay put.

LET HER ASSIST, DOCTORS. Or tell her to go back to bed. She's going to follow you forever~]


deadshallspeak August 25 2010, 02:58:35 UTC
[And here Naomi's going to opt for that second one.]

Hey, you. Aren't you supposed to be resting right now?


kidkittyclaws August 25 2010, 15:25:31 UTC

Zipping over.]

I am ready to assist in any way.


September 4, 2009 - Saturday soul_mods August 21 2010, 22:16:41 UTC
[All remaining patients will be released today]


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