[ Video ] [ December 27th ]

Nov 01, 2011 22:14

[ Death City Heights residents or at least people who’ve been to one of the houses in DCH would recognize this room - it’s one of those empty function/lobby/all-purpose rooms, although the table and chairs have been moved to the side. A bright magenta music player (a DeathPod, if you will...and yes, it is indeed magenta, and playing some classical ( Read more... )

c: ludwig (germany), c: franziska von karma, c: roy mustang, ahiru, c: raidou kuzunoha, c: fakir, miles edgeworth, c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), c: colette brunel

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[Video] timelessummoner November 3 2011, 06:06:54 UTC
[Raidou is wondering whether he should respond when the video is clearly accidental... But being idle while waiting to heal has made him restless enough to itch for some conversation.]

Edgeworth-san teaches dancing as well? [Is it a family thing?]


[Video] timelessummoner November 17 2011, 13:32:55 UTC

...Very well.


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] timelessummoner November 20 2011, 15:42:00 UTC
Ah. You are quite welcome. [He was worried they wouldn't be good enough. Gift-giving is hard!] Thank you very much for the books.


[Video] wings_of_hope November 3 2011, 16:10:41 UTC
Eh? Oh, um--well, Mr. Edgeworth said h doesn't. But he's really good at it!

Do you know someone else that teaches dancing too?


[Video] timelessummoner November 3 2011, 18:15:05 UTC
He does seem quite skilled.

And yes, someone did teach me during the Christmas festival.


[Video] wings_of_hope November 3 2011, 19:36:30 UTC
He definitely is!

Oh! At the festival? Who did you learn from?

[ She was there for the Christmas festival, too, but she hadn't seen anyone giving dancing lessons. ]


[Video] timelessummoner November 3 2011, 19:55:13 UTC
Miss Franziska von Karma. She is Edgeworth-san's adopted sister.


[Video] wings_of_hope November 3 2011, 20:37:11 UTC

[ Now she's really confused, given Franziska's reaction to Edgeworth teaching her. ]

But she--Miss Franziska was upset about--! Why would she be mad about Mr. Edgeworth teaching me the dance if she teaches too?


[Video] timelessummoner November 4 2011, 08:23:17 UTC
Was she?

Hm. She can be a little... temperamental... but I am not certain why she would be angry about that.


[Video] wings_of_hope November 4 2011, 23:56:15 UTC
S-Sorry about that. It's probably nothing that big--I was just surprised!

[ She chuckles a little awkwardly after the outburst, rubbing at the back of her head. ]

By the way, I'm Ahiru! What's your name?


[Video] timelessummoner November 5 2011, 10:46:52 UTC
There is nothing to apologize for.

[He bows.] I am Raidou Kuzunoha. It is a pleasure to make your aqcuaintance, Ahiru-san.


[Video] wings_of_hope November 8 2011, 17:42:52 UTC
[ Wow! He must be another gentleman, like Mr. Edgeworth! ]

Nice to meet you, Mr. Raidou!

[ She waves at the screen. ]


[Video] timelessummoner November 9 2011, 22:08:15 UTC
Are you a friend of Edgeworth-san's?


[Video] wings_of_hope November 10 2011, 04:20:38 UTC
I definitely consider him a friend of mine! I hope he does, too.


[Video] timelessummoner November 11 2011, 20:19:27 UTC
I imagine he would, given how he is spending time with you.


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