20. [video]

Oct 25, 2011 00:11

[been a while, hasn't it? guess who finally got released from the hospital? from the background of his video, it looks like he's just left, the building in question recognizable in the background while he takes a moment to get a breath of the cold, fresh outdoor air. maybe it's just because he's been stuck inside for a while, or because the chill ( Read more... )

c: kuroro lucifer, c: sakura haruno, c: maito gai, c: kurapika, c: karkat vantas, c: tokugawa ieyasu, saralegui, c: naruto uzumaki, c: itachi uchiha, c: sarah kerrigan, c: ritsuka aoyagi, c: fuuka yamagishi, c: alucard

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[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 04:18:47 UTC
I'd offer to gut him like zergling, but apparently that's a jailable offense here. How silly of them.

[She snorts loudly and purposefully]

What kind of weapon are you proficient with?


[Video] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 04:39:05 UTC
A shame. I appreciate the offer, though.

[he just smiles, and it kind of seems like he's serious about that too.]

I've used mostly swords, having had basic training with the like back home, but I think I could get used to anything, with a bit of instruction. My first Weapon here was a scythe, and that worked out decently.


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 04:48:15 UTC
Well, I had to make it since our last conversation so endeared you to me.

That's quite a range. You don't seem like the... combat sort. Or at least you don't come with a bunch of experience in those kind of tight situations.


[Video] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 04:52:38 UTC
[he'll ignore that first bit, for the sake of having a positive conversation.]

Well, it's fairly normal where I come from for nobility to take up fencing as a hobby, so I had some lessons when I was younger. The training I've done here has been much more valuable, however.

As far as experience goes, I command an army in my home world. I prefer gentler methods than war, but that doesn't mean I haven't made sure to learn everything I can about it.


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 04:58:58 UTC
[She notices you let that barb go by, and it's amusing to her.]

I never took up swords; it wasn't part of my world much. Knives are a lovely alternative to swords though. Training while at war is helpful.

Commanding and being in the front lines is generally different. Gutting a man personally is different then ordering it.

[She pauses, considering.]

You wish to continue fighting the front lines?


[Video] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 05:03:30 UTC
I can't say I've gutted anyone, but I do know what it's like to kill a man, unfortunate as that might be. [because hypnotizing a man into committing suicide totally counts, right?]

As far as this war goes...it will be some times before I can return to the real fighting. I still need to let myself finish healing, and I should be a bit more cautious in picking a partner this time around. I've already been burned once, after all. But I want to fight. It's the only way I can speed my return home.


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 05:09:32 UTC
Unfortunate but always for a purpose. That is the meaning of war; people die so that others can be less oppressed or even at peace.

Perhaps what you need is a Weapon that allows distant fighting. Close-combat is for highly trained individuals, not to say you can't be trained in that way. Look for a long-ranged Weapon-type as your partner next time.

...and a suitable personality to match no doubt.


[Video] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 05:13:06 UTC
Mm. While such a Weapon would certainly be best, I think I should worry about finding someone I'm sure I can trust first. I can adapt to work with anything, but I can't handle being betrayed like that again by someone I'm supposed to be trusting above all others...


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 05:20:01 UTC
[There's a momentary silence.]

You actually cared about that man. With a personality like his, I wasn't sure it was possible.

However, surely a dashing personality like yours has a line up of people to be trusted? That is, assuming you trust easily... which seems highly doubtful.


[Video] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 05:24:35 UTC
[a bit of a pause on this end as well, as he tries to decide how to answer that. it really comes down to admitting to anything, or giving up on possible sympathy gains.

he's playing the victim card right now, so he can afford to let his pride take that blow and just pretend that it doesn't make him feel uncomfortable open and vulnerable.]

He was my partner. I was living with him and putting my life in his hands on a regular basis. Such things just happen naturally, I suppose.

But no, I suppose I don't trust too easily. It's dangerous to do so, in my profession. And especially now...I'd just rather not ever feel like that again.


[Voice] Yep, still on the 'stalk hardcore' list ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 05:28:51 UTC
[She considers his tone as well as the words he says. How very interesting.]

You don't care often, it seems. It must be a blow to you to be vulnerable.

I suppose it depends on your goals, since some can trust easily and blindly if it suits their goals. I wonder what yours are.


[Video] just as planned lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 05:34:58 UTC
[he's careful to look a little offended at that comment.]

I care. It's just necessary for me to be little more careful than most in how open I am about it. All I want is to give the people of my country the peace they've been denied because of the older generation's intolerance. If I let myself be incapacitated because I trusted the wrong person, my country is likely to fall into greedy, selfish hands. Perhaps my goals seem more distant here, where the countries and politics of my world don't even exist, but caution is a habit I've had to develop out of necessity.


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 15:27:20 UTC
[There's a soft chuckle from her end. She's heard enough political speeches and been backstabbed enough herself to see a little more in this.]

Such pretty words from a pretty face, but I wonder how honest they really are. Be cautious, since it's worth your while. However, be careful of the enemies you make; some are willing to put the knife in your back literally.


[Voice] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 16:21:36 UTC
[look at how offended he is.]

I wouldn't be anything but honest, especially not about something like this. It's one thing to not trust just anyone so easily, but lying helps no one.


[Voice] ghostofaqueen October 25 2011, 16:31:32 UTC
[She's unmoved by the showing.]

Tell me, have you ever trusted anyone completely before?


[Voice] lavenderglasses October 25 2011, 17:13:45 UTC

[and it's the truth.]


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