dec. 19th | video | after returning from the mall-mission in Oregon

Sep 30, 2011 03:28

[Unlike usual the feed clicks on right away as video, showing a dark-skinned man with short white hair, long ears and red eyes. What looks like three small red rubies are stuck on his forehead and to top everything off he also has horns. ...Right now Aion is looking like he is fighting a headache.]

Alright. The one time I'm out of the state and not ( Read more... )

c: viede, c: john watson, c: leon orcot, c: alois trancy, aion, c: you haibara, c: reborn, c: misao makimachi

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Comments 316

[Filter: To all members of the Watch] r_a_m_1982 September 30 2011, 02:36:19 UTC
I am writing the reports,but I keep adding more things to the list of troubles.


[Filter: To all members of the Watch] commandorking September 30 2011, 02:45:51 UTC
Thanks. Can you send me a copy when you are done? Ram, right?


[Filter: To all members of the Watch] r_a_m_1982 September 30 2011, 02:57:13 UTC
Yes, don't worry. I will send you a draft now, is not finished but it has the important information about Gamzee.

[/ file attacked.]

That's right. Pity we had to meet like this.


[Filter: To all members of the Watch] commandorking September 30 2011, 03:06:07 UTC
[He opens the file and skips over it.]

I see... [Turning back to Ram he smiles, giving him a little nod. He has seen him a few times at the office before.]

Yeah. My name is Aion. I am a liaison officer in training for the Watch which is why I need as much information as I can get. Sigh. Stuff like that always happens on my days off.


hospital filter forcingrituals September 30 2011, 04:26:05 UTC
I'm afraid we've been rather preoccupied.


hospital filter commandorking September 30 2011, 05:52:50 UTC
That is unfortunate to hear. Would you mind checking the details with me? I have gotten a list by now, but I'd like to make sure before something happens and I accidentally declare somebody dead who is still breathing.


hospital filter forcingrituals September 30 2011, 05:56:35 UTC
Of course.

Though, in the interest of accuracy, despite how stable one's condition might be- I trust you understand that those results leave room for variation.


hospital filter commandorking September 30 2011, 06:03:13 UTC
Of course.

I am not overly well-versed with human medicine but I know enough about injuries to know that their treatment can be... hard to predict at times. Can you tell me the number of victims that were received at the hospital?


[Action?] impurrfectprof September 30 2011, 18:28:43 UTC
[Shader doesn't hesitate when she sees Aion's message--when the boss tells you to do something you do it. She heads over to his room and lightly knocks on his door.]


[Action] commandorking September 30 2011, 19:46:33 UTC
[Aion doesn't look up when he hears the knock, figuring from the way it sounds that it has to be his sister.]

Come on it.


[Video] Sorry, I had to hunt down their coordinations lmao. /bothered Sarah forever stalwartcane September 30 2011, 23:52:57 UTC
[Watson eventually returns to his communicator, yeah? Looking pretty tired.]

There are almost two dozen incidents, sir. For a group that have taken severe stabbings, beatings, clubbings, and-- one who has been pushed down the stairs, there are surprisingly no dead persons yet. Would that suffice? For a thorough list of victims, I can provide a full report later.


[Video] no no, I'm sorry for making you have to look for stuff! commandorking October 1 2011, 01:36:10 UTC
[Oh hi there. You look like you might want a hot bath, relaxing music and a bed where you can stay in as long as you want too. Aion gives the doctor an apologetic smile.]

Thank you, that'd be much appreciated. I already have a report in the making, but I would like to have as much information on it as soon as its possible. [He sighs.] All this chaos makes us entirely too vulnerable. What the hell was everybody thinking, running around like headless turkeys?

...Sorry to bother you, but could you give me the names and conditions of the worst off victims? First names and 'stable', 'unknown', anything else will suffice.


[Video] Sorrrry I disappeared for schoolwork. Now I am back! stalwartcane October 9 2011, 10:31:34 UTC
We're not a terribly organized group.

[but he nods.] I understand. As for the names... [he shuffles off for a moment and returns with a list on a piece of paper.] Aradia, Kanda, Stripperella, Lauren, Eve, Yako and Fabiola were all either clubbed on the head, beaten, or stabbed. They are all stable and the least of our worries.

Choushirou, Tsunayoshi, Miku, a man whose name I do not know -- dark hair, and a jacket -- and Yosuke were all stabbed to various degrees, though stable for now.

Jade Harley, Kurt, two boys whose name I'm not familiar with -- these were all injured severely during the event, and require most of our care. A woman, Rei Kurosawa, was not too heavily injured but was bashed in the head enough to induce a coma. I hope this is suitable information?


[Video] wb!^^ commandorking October 11 2011, 01:52:59 UTC
… all in all eighteen, huh? [He lowers his gaze for a moment, lost in thought before he looks up again.]

It is, thanks. Timing seems to have been on the culprit's side this time.


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commandorking October 1 2011, 01:41:03 UTC
[Aion laughs.]

You could say that, Mr. Hidemoto. ...How have you been?


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commandorking October 1 2011, 02:23:04 UTC
...I am starting to regret some of my previous decisions and could use a drink. [Honestly, being waved around next to a broom while fighting on an ice rink hadn't been on his agenda today. And that sweet, cold food called ice cream he had earlier is doing funny things to his stomach.]

Otherwise I am fine, thanks for asking.


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