Activity Check (July)

Jul 01, 2011 00:09

All right guys, it's time for Soul Campaign's Activity Check!

P.S. You didn't see that happen.

What is Activity Check?: An activity check is a post that lets us know who is playing, and who isn't. It's important in a plot-based game like Soul Campaign that everyone puts forth an effort to remain active and keep the game alive! You have one week to post your activity (July 1st - July 7th) from when the AC post is made.

How do I pass Activity Check?: Simple! All you have to do to pass AC is provide us proof you have been active. You have to link to the gamewide HMD that the mods will provide every other month and have any two of the following posted within June 1 - June 30:

• an entry with at least seven comments from your character, icon-only replies and ooc comments not included.
• a log with more than five comments total between two characters (three tags from your character)
• a thread between TWO characters of at least 14 comments (seven tags from your character), icon-only replies and ooc comments not included

Note: Action threads done in the soul_campaign community are considered threads. Action threads done in the soul_logs community are considered logs.

If you have a new character that was accepted in the last application cycle, just leave a comment saying that your character was recently accepted and you will pass through exemption. However, note that this will not be counted as legit activity check proof in case you decide to apply for another character next application cycle. To be able to apply for another character next cycle, you need to pass activity check by submitting proofs for all of your current characters, including your new one.

What happens if I pass Activity Check?: Your character limit will be raised from two to three (and then to four), enabling you to play two weapons and two meisters in total.

What happens if I DON'T pass Activity Check?: If your character does not pass Activity Check, you will be given a strike and will not be able to apply for new characters the next application cycle. Two strikes in a row and the character in question will be DROPPED.

If you drop one of your characters in the middle of Activity Check before submitting their required proofs of activity, you will be given a strike and will not be allowed to apply in the next application cycle.

If you do not reply to the AC or the follow up, your characters will be considered DROPPED and removed from the game, and you'll be required to reapply.

Important! You can only pass Activity Check through hiatus if you were on hiatus for AT LEAST TWO WEEKS OF THE MONTH.

1. If you are or were on hiatus for AT LEAST two weeks of the month (14 days and above within the month), you can be considered exempt from Activity Check through hiatus.
2. If you were on hiatus for less than two weeks but more than one week of the month (7 - 13 days total within the month), you are still required to submit ONE proof of activity to pass. Otherwise you will be given a strike. You are not eligible to pass Activity Check through hiatus.
3. If you were on hiatus for less than a week (below 7 days within the month), that means that you are still required to submit the usual TWO proofs of activity to pass. Otherwise you will be given a strike. You are not eligible to pass Activity Check through hiatus.

For points #1 and #2, the mods WILL keep track if you partially pass AC by submitting just one proof of activity.

Your hiatus MUST be posted on the official Hiatus/Drop page. Your character count will not increase if you pass by hiatus exemption and this will not be counted as legit activity check for new character application.

If your hiatus falls during Activity Check, you have the following options to pass: 1) submit your proofs of AC in advance upon filing your hiatus in the Hiatus Page; or, 2) submit the proofs within three days after coming back from hiatus. However, the second option makes it necessary for you to inform the mods via Hiatus Page (or IM/Email/Plurk/Mobile/Whatnot if you are really unable to go to LJ) when and if you are going on hiatus, and how long you think it will be. This is so we can mark it down as hiatus during AC rather than as a drop. Again, either of these two options allow you to change your hiatus to a pass.

If you do not submit the AC proof for either options and your hiatus lasts less than two weeks for that month, you will be considered failed for that month's AC.

If you pass through hiatus twice in a row, consistently have strikes in activity checks, or consistently only partially pass Activity Checks, you will be asked to drop a character. The only exemptions to this are those who have filed for a two-month hiatus with the mods beforehand.

What about the HMDs?: HMDs will only be posted every other AC by the mods. If the mods don't post the HMDs for this month, feel free to leave the section for them blank.

NPCs! NPCs need to post their character activity check in a separate thread below. NPC proof of activity requirements are detailed here, since they vary from character to character.

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask! We will try to answer them as quickly as possible.

If you also want to see your activity check tracking for the past few months, feel free to contact the mods through email or IM for details!


Character journal:
Link to post 1: Here.
Date of post:
Link to post 2: Here.
Date of post:

P.S., We are still in the process of revamping the layouting of the Activity Check posts. Please bear with this one in the mean time. We should have it done soon. Thank you for waiting so patiently for this. We appreciate it.

activity check

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