sdrawkcabcigam and YOU!
Location: Papercut Books & Antiquities, Bitch's Brew Bar, and anywhere in between the two! Please specify where in the subject line!
Rating: TBA.
Time: Afternoon or early evening!
Description: Zatanna's on the look out for a new manager, but don't let that stop you from bothering her!
papercut books & antiquities.
[Zatanna is in the shop looking for nothing in particular, seemingly. Occasionally she reaches for a book as she walks, running the tips of her fingers across the spines of the tomes. Every now and then she might stop and pull something out, flip through it and breathe the pages in. Usually it seems to be an older title -- the sort of book with character, the kind with dusty, dog-eared pages.
Though clearly engrossed in her search (and maybe a little tired or sad), she doesn't give off a vibe that suggests she is unapproachable in any way.]
the in between.
[Still in costume (complete with fishnets), Zatanna doesn't appear to be cold in the slightest as she heads down the block in a brisk pace. How she manages heels over the occasionally patch of ice or snow is anybody's guess.]
bitch's brew bar.
[To be honest, she could really use a drink right now. The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful and she might be a little depressed, though she's not particularly inclined to reveal this to anyone. Taking a seat at the bar, she starts off the evening with a glass of water (complete with lemon and a straw); halfway through it she orders herself one of those obnoxious girly drinks that have plenty of alcohol in it, though it's masked by some fruity flavor. In her case, it's strawberry. Normally, she'd opt for red wine, but she has expensive taste and she's not up for a cheap bottle of Merlot (...maybe later).
She sips her drink and waits, hoping that the drink won't go straight to her head. The last thing Zatanna needs right now is to embarrass herself in public...]