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ASSAULT TEAMS: WEST SIDE soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:11:25 UTC
THE WESTERN ARMY + a stop sign anchorsurfs July 2 2011, 07:58:03 UTC
[He's resonated with Mitsunari before, except he doesn't remember how well that went. But he knows that it's possible and if Mitsunari is agreeable to it, it's an alternative method of fighting. With Shizuo they were heavy hitters, capable of doing large scale damage very easily. Mitsunari would probably bring a whole different set of abilities which would hopefully allow them to adapt to any kind of enemy that comes their way.

For now he'll stick with Shizuo as they run down the corridors looking for kishin to fight. He grips the other tightly and keeps his guard up as they move.]

[ooc: Becci is on hiatus so we can skip her if need be and KB is our npc bug her for details, and if anything needs to be changed just tell me!]


reverencing July 4 2011, 13:12:37 UTC
[Mitsunari had chosen to remain a few paces behind Motochika and his Weapon, guarding the man's rear as they made their way through the corridor. Though Motochika and Shizuo were capable of taking out a good number of Kishin in but a single hit, Mitsunari knew that the threat of an ambush always lingered on. Though he isn't used to being on the defensive, he treads with caution, walking backwards and keeping an eye out.

So far, so good.]

It's quiet here... [He moves backwards a few quick paces, closing the space between himself and Motochika a bit more in order to keep his voice low.]

Do you not find it odd?


anchorsurfs July 10 2011, 02:35:49 UTC
[Motochika likewise slows his steps.]

It is. From what I've seen they're not capable of planning out an attack.

[He's sure that they're the only ones in this area, the other team that was also sent to the West side had taken a different route to them. Besides if another team had passed ahead before them there would be evidence all along the walls.]

Think this means there's something big ahead?


ARTILLERY soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:13:24 UTC
[Like a brewery of awesome.]


[Jade & Train - After the initial assault] thebadluckcat July 1 2011, 17:32:04 UTC
[In a weird kind of way, it was a good thing that Death City had been invaded a while back, otherwise Train and Jade wouldn't have been nearly as effective over in the artillery section. Revolvers don't exactly make great siege weaponry! Especially when just about everybody else is a freaking rocket launcher. But last time they'd managed to discover how to actually activate Train's Burst Shot ability, so all is well.

Well, mostly. Once the assault teams are wading in there isn't much freedom left for indiscriminate explosions, at which point it's suddenly awesome being a small arm! It's slow work, though, picking a Kishin Egg and shooting it a few times before moving onto the next. And so forth. There were sort of a lot of them.

Thus making it the perfect time for a conversation.]

Hey Jade? [It's not like she's trying to concentrate on shooting or anything.] Can I ask you something?


memorymodus July 2 2011, 00:45:34 UTC
[ Jade frowns, her mind still working like clockwork -- find kishin, aim, fire, take the thing down and continue. It's like she was born for the hunt, and she was, in a way. This is what Grandpa had trained her for, when she was still a toddler.

Finally, after the last kishin in range is dead, she acknowledges the question. ] Sure, what's up?


thebadluckcat July 4 2011, 18:05:22 UTC
[He does admire that about Jade. For a little girl, she's certainly skilled and focused on her shooting. A little too meticulous and lacking in flair for Train's taste, but then it's kinda hard to have flair on a battlefield.]

So does this mean you're okay with handling Kishin Eggs now? [Neither of them had really been keen on that. He, for one, doesn't want to pressure her or anything until she's ready to go out and make a difference with him.]


RESERVES soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:13:52 UTC
[Look alive, you're not getting off easily, either!]


Junpei + Chidori & Edgeworth + Franziska itsnotstupei July 1 2011, 14:56:31 UTC
[Junpei is never too sure what he's doing here or if this is the best decision, but they're here, and that's a fact. The main body of the attackers have all already left, leaving the reserves and whoever else who was staying behind in camp. The atmosphere is tenser than ever it seems, without any knowing of what might come and attack if they're not ready.

Pacing around nervously, Junpei glances around his surroundings with a frown, trying to be ready in case anything suddenly comes out to attack. He's nervous as hell alright, but if he can survive the Shadows, he can survive this.]


white_lolita July 2 2011, 04:20:34 UTC
[Chidori stands nearby, watching Junpei with calm eyes as he paces back and forth. Her own stance is relaxed and still, and she barely moved more than her eyes as they slide back and forth with his movements.]

Relax, Junpei.


(The comment has been removed)

STRIKE TEAMS: NORTH WING soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:14:13 UTC
North Wing 1 with Team Dragon and Team CrayCray (Mulan+Mushu and Claire+Chane) mostrodivino July 1 2011, 21:10:03 UTC
[This was like any job back home. Except with a large group of people, but once they were set up in their smaller strike teams, Claire immediately felt more at ease. He glanced at the people with him; what looked like a lizard, a pretty girl, and Chane.

Best team ever, or best team ever?]

So we go in, pop some witches, an' distract them till the time comes. Got it?

[No one appointed him leader, but he sure as hell took it.]


Team CrayCray, huh? mutedgift July 1 2011, 22:15:42 UTC
[Where Chane would perhaps be ill at ease working in a group, her discomfort is lessened somewhat by somebody she knows being part of the group. Especially as Claire is also a meister, so she doesn't have to worry about resonating like she did with Ieyasu during the recent kishin attacks.

She tilts her head slightly when Claire speaks. Her communicator is, once again, back at her apartment. There is no need for it in a situation where she will either be in weapon form and able to communicate, or have no need to speak herself.

... It is a simple enough suggestion, and fairly accurate with regards to what they must do. She closes her eyes, apparently satisfied with this plan of action.]


Can't say it doesn't fit! mostrodivino July 1 2011, 22:30:30 UTC
[Claire grins at his little team. It's actually kind of cool. He can't help but wonder for a moment if this is what it would be like if he was fighting a war back home, then decided that it wouldn't be this interesting.

One war wasn't the same as the other, for example, and he turns to Chane.]

A dagger, right, doll? Think you're ready to give it a shot with me?


STRIKE TEAMS: SOUTH WING soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:14:38 UTC
Mukuro/Rhode + Kuroro/Kurapika karmafree July 1 2011, 15:12:52 UTC
[It's been a long time since they've gone out like this. He had to admit: there were few things more fun than going right into the thick of battle with blood on the mind.

Not quite what he's used to, but change was good for the soul.

Currently moving through their assigned wing with Weapon at hand and companions at his side.]

Been a while, hasn't it?

[The query's directed at all of them.]


suchselfishness July 1 2011, 15:47:38 UTC
[ Rhode's response is a quiet hum of affirmation, interrupted by a stifled yawn. She's ready for a fight, but it's a bit past her usual bedtime; she can't help being a bit drowsy without any immediate threat to give her a bit of adrenaline. ]

Maybe we can actually kill a Witch, this time.


alphaspider July 1 2011, 15:52:26 UTC
[Or they can be killed by one. That would be interesting, too. Kuroro doesn't seem as benevolent as he always is, discontent at the lack of China around, but he smiles at his companions.]

Or try catching one, I suppose.


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