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BOMB SQUAD soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:17:45 UTC
[You go, guys!]


[Group Three--East Wing--Rikku (and John), Feferi, Riku, and Namatame] pickinurpockets July 1 2011, 15:31:36 UTC
[This was at the same time scary and exciting. Rikku had missed her explosives back home, but normally she was just making them to get rid of fiends. This time, she was blowing up a building.

And keeping John out of trouble. He was playing gopher, since he was already hurt from the Kishin attack. With a sigh, Rikku glanced at her other bombers]

You guys do know how to handle this stuff, right?


Hey Rikku biggestnobody July 2 2011, 02:53:07 UTC
[He kept off to the side of the group, taking stock of his... teammates, sword belted at his back. The bombs were easy enough to learn - how it is made, what will make it explode, its weaknesses. Riku nods once at her query and rolled his shoulder, growing relaxed as the mission grew closer.]


failsavior July 2 2011, 03:42:09 UTC
I've never used one of these before, but...I'm going to do all I can here.

[Namatame...isn't much to look at, and he knows it. He's not fully in his element here even if he's had a little experience, but as long as he can contribute something that'll be enough.]


redefinescull July 2 2011, 03:53:07 UTC
[Feferi is bouncing up and down on her heels, watching the rest of her bomb squad with her usual smile on her face. She's not exactly scared because she's faced scarier things in the Game, but...]

I've never really used them before either, but they don't seem that hard to work with!


pickinurpockets July 2 2011, 03:58:56 UTC
[Well, at least one of 'em knew how to handle bombs. Rikku shook her head when Feferi said they didn't seem hard]

Trust me, one wrong move with a bomb and it could all go kaplooey in your face, and I don't wanna explain to the other trolls why you got hurt, Feferi. Or killed. Okay so...[Rikku glanced around] One of us should probably keep an eye out for any nasties coming our way, while the rest of us set 'em up. I've been working with explosives since I was little, so anyone really wanna play scout?


biggestnobody July 2 2011, 05:07:09 UTC
Can anyone here fight?

[He frowns, glancing at everyone - just how qualified were they? But then again, he'd seen ducks capable of casting spells left and right. He turns to Rikku.]

Give them a crash course on bombs. We don't have a lot of time.

[... and if one of them fell...]


failsavior July 3 2011, 04:17:31 UTC
I've had some experience in battle, but that was mainly while I was in my weapon form. I'll be most effective with a meister if we need to fight...there should be a few here, shouldn't there?

[He's looking around, but he can't exactly tell who's what just by looking.]


redefinescull July 3 2011, 04:27:06 UTC
I can fight! [Growing up on such a violent home planet did that.] And if we end up having to fight, I'm a Meister! If I had to wield someone, I would be able to.

If you need me to keep an eye out, too, I can do that!


pickinurpockets July 3 2011, 04:48:52 UTC
I'm a Weapon, but my Meister's here, so I'm good. If he's not close and we get attacked, I'll need someone to work with for a second.

[Rikku glances around]

Okay, so, Feferi's our scout. C'mon, let's get this over with.


biggestnobody July 3 2011, 04:53:56 UTC
[He let them decide, turning his eyes toward their goal. As long as people stuck to the plans and nothing terrible happened, then they were set.

He waits, then, for the distractions to start.]


failsavior July 7 2011, 02:36:55 UTC
[Namatame nods and looks around the group again, trying to assess what they have to work with and how they can use it. He needs a meister to fight and Feferi is a meister, they have a partnered meister and weapon--leaving one more? He looks like he can fight anyway, but just in case Namatame turns to Riku and asks: ]

And you? Are you a meister or a weapon?


biggestnobody July 7 2011, 02:44:48 UTC
[He barely glances over, taking off in a brisk run when they were given the signal to move. Silence was something he tried to practice consciously now, recalling that man he met on the roof who made no sound despite what he was wearing. When he speaks, it's soft but audible.]

Weapon. I can defend the group on my own, if it's needed.

[It's not ego, just fact.]


redefinescull July 7 2011, 02:54:07 UTC
[Feferi takes off when Riku does-- she's fit enough to keep up with no problems, although she's not anywhere near as quiet as him.]

You're not going to be doing anything on your own!


pickinurpockets July 7 2011, 02:57:00 UTC
[And Rikku also follows. She's almost as quiet as Riku--habit from her thieving days]

Hey, he's the only one who has an actual normal weapon. If something goes wrong, and no one can resonate, he might have to help. Ooooor I can get the bombs to go off early, whichever's fastest!


failsavior July 7 2011, 04:56:33 UTC
[Following also!]

It won't be a good idea to go alone. Even with a weapon, human or not, if we're unlucky enough to encounter a witch it will be dangerous. The mission in Michigan, I...

[He shakes his head, not wanting to remember the damage his meister then had ended up with.]

We should all be safer if we're in groups. It's a lot safer if every meister has a weapon, and the other way around.


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