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STRIKE TEAMS: SOUTH WING soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:14:38 UTC
Mukuro/Rhode + Kuroro/Kurapika karmafree July 1 2011, 15:12:52 UTC
[It's been a long time since they've gone out like this. He had to admit: there were few things more fun than going right into the thick of battle with blood on the mind.

Not quite what he's used to, but change was good for the soul.

Currently moving through their assigned wing with Weapon at hand and companions at his side.]

Been a while, hasn't it?

[The query's directed at all of them.]


suchselfishness July 1 2011, 15:47:38 UTC
[ Rhode's response is a quiet hum of affirmation, interrupted by a stifled yawn. She's ready for a fight, but it's a bit past her usual bedtime; she can't help being a bit drowsy without any immediate threat to give her a bit of adrenaline. ]

Maybe we can actually kill a Witch, this time.


alphaspider July 1 2011, 15:52:26 UTC
[Or they can be killed by one. That would be interesting, too. Kuroro doesn't seem as benevolent as he always is, discontent at the lack of China around, but he smiles at his companions.]

Or try catching one, I suppose.


GOOD JOB WITH MY NONEXISTENT NOTIFS, LJ ih8spiders July 3 2011, 12:31:44 UTC
[Why is he stuck with this group, again? Someone royally screwed up with the team assignments, is what he thinks, but he knows better than to let any of his own discontent show. Too much, that is.]

... I don't want to have to fight with one if possible.


I-it's okay? XD karmafree July 3 2011, 12:40:33 UTC
[Chuckles, as he turns a corner.]

Kurapika and I are in agreement, it seems.

[Whoop. Kishin eggs down the hall!]


<3! suchselfishness July 3 2011, 12:47:57 UTC
Well, that's a bore. Why bother hunting if you're just going to kill rats?

[ But she's waking herself up as she spots the enemies, shaking off the drowsiness. Ready to resonate, do a bit of warming-up. ]


alphaspider July 3 2011, 12:57:20 UTC
That's boring. Rhode and I agree, don't we?

[Kuroro and Kurapika are used to this sort of thing, at least, twenty souls later. Kuroro throws Mukuro a short look that says he'll go ahead, before he starts jogging up to the kishin eggs. Not even being discreet, oops.]


ih8spiders July 3 2011, 13:20:40 UTC
[Rats won't get them killed, for one thing. And despite his new tolerance of Rhode's company he still can't quite trust the other pair the way he'd trust--Cloud and Sephiroth, for example. Cloud and Sephiroth are at least working towards a goal. Rhode and Mukuro are just in it for "fun", as far as he knows.

He sighs at Kuroro's back, sets off to follow the meister.]


karmafree July 3 2011, 13:43:36 UTC
You sound so much older than you are when you sigh like that, Kurapika-kun.

[He's nodding to Kuroro, and extending his hand towards Rhode. Things were going to get much more exciting now.]


suchselfishness July 3 2011, 13:54:38 UTC
He probably doesn't like killing things. Too good for it~

[ A smug little expression in the other Weapon's direction, before moving to her partner's side. She'll just sneak a little arm-nuzzle before transforming, slipping her hands into his so he doesn't have to grab for her. ]


alphaspider July 3 2011, 13:58:07 UTC
Someone has to be good between us, you know? [laughing, pausing to let Kurapika transform, holding his ground as the kishin eggs bound toward him. They run on all fours, and one of them runs on the wall in great speed. That one, Kuroro will leave to Mukuro, since he doesn't seem to be its target.]


ih8spiders July 3 2011, 14:11:45 UTC
[The comments from the other three aren't really helping with the self-esteem issues he's been struggling with the past week, but he doesn't say anything to defend himself against them.

He does stop in his tracks when Kuroro gives him his cue to change to weapon form, the distance perhaps a few inches farther than usual, and maybe the bright zippy action of his leaping to Kuroro's hands might possess a bit more flair than normal in response to Rhode's jab, as if to say, "Look, I can do this bright shiny zippy thing! Can you, huh, can you??"]


karmafree July 3 2011, 14:21:25 UTC
Come now, my dear, don't be so judgmental. Kurapika-kun's been on a lot of missions with Kuroro.

[Watching Kurapika's transformation with amusement, as he waits for his own Weapon to shift. He's swinging her as soon as she does, preparing to stab the kishin coming towards them.]


suchselfishness July 3 2011, 14:31:52 UTC
I don't see why.

[ She doesn't seem to pay any attention to Kurapika's little show, already in her own Weapon form and watching their enemy as Mukuro attacks. Not distracted enough to stop the conversation, though, purring to her Meister. ]

I imagine it must be awfully dull to be such a saint, all the same. It would make anyone stuffy~


alphaspider July 3 2011, 14:41:19 UTC
I find it pretty agreeable, as you already know. [Another laugh, and when Kurapika in his hands, Kuroro immediately brings both blades to stab right into the side of the oncoming kishin egg's face with such force that it throws the thing to the side. He's on it in an instant.]


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