[Open] With knowledge, power.

Jun 26, 2011 04:33

Characters: Jade Curtiss and you!
Location: Shibusen library.
Rating: PG to be safe.
Time: November 24th, afternoon
Description: While everyone's busy making a commotion, one newcomer's going to study.

Or is it with truth, power? )

zhang he, asch the bloody, riku, jade curtiss, arisato minako, fuuka yamagishi

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ohmyjuno June 25 2011, 21:07:26 UTC
[Fuuka was curious and decided to look at the library one day. There, she saw someone she hadn't seen before. Was it one of the newcomers? Either way, Fuuka noticed that this person didn't really look too happy...but it would be rude to just go up and ask what was wrong.

Then again, it was rude to stare wasn't it?]


Assume this is after Minako. curtissy June 26 2011, 08:23:33 UTC
[Well, that really doesn't bode well, does it? If that many people were staring at him doing such a mundane thing like studying, Jade would almost hate to ask how many of these so-called guests actually did their research before committing to anything.

That explains why he's more alert than the last time and why he has an answer ready for her thoughts:]

It's rude to stare, you know.


\o ohmyjuno June 26 2011, 15:35:43 UTC

[She apologized and almost made a bow. Some habits die hard]

I never saw you before so I was wondering if you were new.


curtissy June 26 2011, 15:39:34 UTC
There's no need to apologize. [And then, sudden serious!]

Oh no, I'm not new at all. It's my skin condition, you see; it's a little difficult for me to venture outside when I burn so easily.


ohmyjuno June 26 2011, 15:55:04 UTC
[Blink blink]

I didn't realize you had such a serious problem! I guess I must have missed your posts when I was looking through communicator. But I still should apologize for nor noticing...


curtissy June 27 2011, 11:23:33 UTC

It's hard to realize that a serious problem exists when you can't see it. [Why? Because it doesn't exist.] But there's no need to apologize, I'm quite used to it.


ohmyjuno June 27 2011, 16:22:40 UTC
But um...if it's such a serious problem, why haven't you asked Winry-san or people who work in the medicine?


curtissy June 28 2011, 14:21:12 UTC
I've been afflicted with it since birth, I'm afraid. And I wouldn't call it serious; it just happens to flare up every time I decide to venture outdoors. [Translation: When irritating people decide to invite me on camping trips.]


ohmyjuno June 28 2011, 15:32:58 UTC
But if it does show up when you go outdoors then it is serious!

It should look be looked at.


curtissy June 28 2011, 15:39:16 UTC
My apologies; I believe I was a little unclear in that sentence. What I meant to say was that my joints ache whenever I go outside for extended periods of time.


ohmyjuno June 28 2011, 16:31:31 UTC
A serious case of arthritis?


curtissy June 30 2011, 14:37:25 UTC
Yes, and it has become worse since I arrived here. [Jade shakes his head a little dramatically.] Who would have thought indeed that something as simple as world travel would worsen one's health problems.


ohmyjuno June 30 2011, 15:30:01 UTC
I should go ask Watson-san about your condition, maybe he can help! Or maybe any of the doctors!


curtissy June 30 2011, 15:39:01 UTC
Rapid onset of old age isn't what I'd consider to be a treatable condition in any world. But please, pay no attention to it. I would hate to take advantage of your kindness.


ohmyjuno June 30 2011, 16:01:48 UTC
Old? But you don't look that old at all! [A pause. Was that a little bit too forward and rude of her?]

...How old are you?


curtissy July 1 2011, 13:45:05 UTC
Oh, the wonders of extensive spa treatments! [And he adjusts his glasses just slightly.] I'm seventy-six years old.


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