Characters: Open to all
Location: Clinic
Rating: Gen...?
Time: November 17 onwards
Description: Death City has survived to see another day, although not all of its residents came out of it unscathed.
List of relevant links to the event here. (
Round the river bend )
[When Watson leaves Nataku later on, he heads outside the small building instead of continuing his walk around the rooms to see to the patients. He wants a few minutes to himself, to get a breath of fresh air. And perhaps see if there is anyone skulking about outside, as per usual.]
En Taro Adun, John Watson. [She gives him a short bow.] Do you require any assistance with your duties?
Not for the moment, no. Good day, Madame. May I inquire as to the purpose of your being in the bushes?
I was merely visiting with Nataku, and it was less of a bother to do so through the window than entering the clinic itself. I hope that is not a problem.
Oh, no, not at all. [bliiiink] Though I assure you, there is space for you inside, if you wished to come in. [Although you'd bump yourself on the ceiling for sure.]
That would be unnecessary, as I was only passing by when I saw Nataku. In the future, perhaps, I will use the front door.
[A small chuckle.] Yes, of course. I would be happy to have your company right now, if you are not too busy. You have seen Nataku's quaint escape strategy?
I would be honored, John Watson. [She gives him another courteous bow, then tilts her head at his question.] You know about that, then. He was attempting such an escape when I walked past.
[Bows in return.] I have convinced him so far to cease his attempts. [chuckles a little, still worn out from that.] The boy holds some attachment to me, for some reason or another.
[But he leads the way back in, yes.]
If that is the case, then I hope he minds your advice and abandons his plan. I would not like to see him injured further, as I am rather fond of him myself. [She follows him in, ducking to get through the door and hunching her shoulders. Eight foot clearance doesn't mean much when you're nine feet tall. Once they're somewhere she can crouch, she'll be fine.]
I believe he has, thankfully. I don't quite trust those cotton sheets to hold his weight, and besides which, he had no need for them in the first place. [But he gestures for Selendis further into the clinic, where there is a fairly large clearing that she can sit with some measure of comfort and ease. Tassadar usually sits there, too. There is a mat.]
[It's only a moment before she's settled, kneeling in the same manner she usually does for meditation. The mat is very considerate and a welcome to relief from bricks and pavement.]
Thank you for your hospitality, John Watson.
[tilts his head to the side as he considers Selendis for a moment.] Would you like some tea?
[She stares at him, thinking she knows what that is, but she doesn't want to be rude and refuse it flat out.] I am not familiar with that.
[Oh. Feeling very foolish but also just generally sheepish.] It is a beverage, Madame, made commonly by soaking dried tea leaves in warm water.
I see. [Maybe. Humans had such an inefficient way of hydrating themselves.] Thank you for the offer, John Watson, but I will decline.
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