Characters: Open to all
Location: Death City - Inner Death City Districts + Waterways
Rating: R
Time: November 16, midnight - 4am.
Description: Now that Shibusen’s defenses have been shattered, what sort of things will come creeping in to take advantage of this?
List of relevant links to the event here. (
Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames. )
"Can we make the next one especially fun? I'd like to have something nice to fall asleep thinking about when this is all over."
She couldn't quite keep the whine out of her tone, though she did her best to temper it with a bit of affection. He wasn't the reason she was bored, after all, so taking it out on him wouldn't be fair at all.
Mukuro was as relaxed as ever, of course, even in the midst of the chaos and the distant sound of desperation, determination and fear.
"Still, I will endeavor to do my very best."
Rhode hummed a few quiet notes, soul rather fidgety as she meandered between cozy little cuddles and playful bounces and twirls. Despite her whining, it was obvious that the blood and fighting they'd managed so far had cheered her considerably from her rather subdued mood of the past weeks, even if it wasn't giving her quite the rush she liked.
"You know, if we found a stray human nobody misses, and accidentally play with it, nobody would know it wasn't just another part of the attack," she purred, tone just a bit hopeful though she knew the likely response. "Just leave the soul about for one of these things to eat. Make a few cuts, see how long the heart keeps beating while the other bits are taken out...?"
Her viciousness brought him back ten years and more, to when he used to have the same urges. Succumbing, back then, had felt like the only logical choice.
He was a bit more, ah, refined, now.
A distant shriek echoed back to them from somewhere ahead. Mukuro traipsed along just the same. If they met a kishin, then they met one, and it would die. It was that simple.
Her tone was a bit petulant, but she wasn't terribly upset by it. She just sighed, waiting and listening, soul occasionally nuzzling and rubbing against his own like a cat. Really, even this bit of blood was exciting for her; she wanted to get out of her Weapon form, lick a bit of blood from his leather sleeve to get a taste, snuggle up, pet his hair, nip a bit at his fingers... Enthusiastic, perhaps a bit overly so. A good fight always did make her crave affection even more than she usually did.
After they finished, she'd get her attention. Just a few more kills, and if everyone else was doing their job, they'd be able to go home and go to bed. Rhode rolled over restlessly, silently letting her Meister know how difficult waiting was when she wanted her treats now. If she was going to be patient, she damn well wanted him to be aware of how much she deserved to be rewarded for being so well-behaved.
There was something gratifying about feeling the skin, muscle and bone of one's victim resist against the sharp end of one's weapon, then give, because there was no other choice but to give.
She wanted to carve its heart out; crush the skull against a wall, tear out the brain and paint the blood across the cobblestones. Just one more cut, and another, until the blood was everywhere.
By the time they were done with the kishin, it was a bloody heap folding into itself, baring its soul.
"Again." A demand and a plea, not quite caring to ask if he was up for another so soon. He was Mukuro, he couldn't get hurt, they could just kill and kill and kill until there wasn't anything left breathing, couldn't they?
"Do it again. Let's find another one, cut it to bits, again, again!"
He's already looking. As it was, it had been a long, long time since he had had a good workout.
She doesn't want to wait, but she knows well enough to keep the majority of her impatience silent. Listening, trying to sense any enemies nearby, a bit too high-strung to be very effective at pinpointing anything right now. He'll get her what she wants, if she can just endure a search.
He took upon the tone of a parent admonishing a child not because he meant it, but because it amused him.
Far more pert than she'd normally dare to be with him, bloodlust making her more claw and sauce than sweetness.
Especially since he was tracking down another target.
She tried to take a bit of the edge off the words with a bit of affection.
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