ETA: New Permanent Home!!
general_jinjur (who is a GOD among the PodFic Comunity) has asked to host my podfics on her archive! That meens that you can now download this, and all my future Audio Fic Recordings via her host site!! I am incredibly honored by her request and her hosting them at all! I'm still not sure how she found my LJ, but very very glad she did.
You can now visit my shiney new verions on her
Audio Fic Archive, or visit the brand new
Page Of Torra's Readings or download this
Drabble Directily. (Please Right Click And Save .zip File)
terrorc1de has been incredibly supportive of my Uni-verse fics (my stories told from the Unicorn's POV), which really meens a lot to me because I really wasn't sure how they'd be receved. I know they're kinda off the wall, and I was honeslty afraid you guys would be say'n "oh god, not another damned horse fic..." by now. ::g:: So when she mentioned wanting to hear one of my Unicorn drabbles as an Audio Fic today...well, I desided it was the least I could do.
I'm still working on recording the RR, and I promace, I really do have a series of six Uni-Verse drabbles waiting to be pollished before I can post them (even though now it is officaly past the month mark, Sel can attest that yes I really did finish writing them in the correct amount of time!), so I instead recorded the first Uni-Fic I did. It was my first drabble responce period, I think, back in wave one. It's really short, but I hope it'll make you smile, T. Thanks for chearing me on!
TorraTitle: Breed
Summary: My first responce to the Drabble Challange: Wave One. Prompt Word: Breed
Rating: G
File Type: .mp3
Length: 3 min 14 sec (10 MB)
Text Version |
Audio Version (semi-permanent on Sendspace) |
Permanent Audio Version (hosted by
general_jinjur Right Click And Save)
PS: I'm getting some sort of feedback on my recordings. It was alawys there, but after I downloaded the new drivers nessicary to fix my mic levels (I repeat again: vista sucks!), the feedback noise got worse. I hope it's not too bad for you guys, it seems to very in intensity depending on what device you play this on. If it's bad on whatever device you are using, I'm sorry! I'm working on finding out the problem, and for the long term, I'm looking to buy an external mic. But gotta save first, even the basic ones are about $30. ::sighs:: UPDATE Just bought one on Ebay for $7.25! Woot! Just waiting for delivery.