24th sigh

May 22, 2011 16:38

[It's a quiet day, shortly after school ended Kyon had gone to sit in the park and get some fresh air. ... Haruhi would probably complain tomorrow about him not visiting the clubroom, but he didn't feel like having to put up with her general... Haruhi-ish-ness for the time being.]

... Hm, looks like I haven't got a whole lot to do here.

[And so ( Read more... )

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Comments 162

counterstrikes May 22 2011, 07:38:50 UTC
Alright! Here we go! One more round!

[Right in the middle of the park is one Chie Satonaka, doing some stretches before getting ready to do some training. She doesn't really notice Kyon walking in front of her, but she's definitely loud enough to draw attention to herself.]


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 07:40:35 UTC

[Kyon pauses for a moment to glance at Chie.]

(... I wonder what she's up to?)


counterstrikes May 22 2011, 08:03:17 UTC

[Without any warning, she launches into a flurry of kicks at the air. It's not as effective, since she's only kicking the air, but she finishes it off with a standing backflip.]

...man, that doesn't feel right. Ugh!


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 08:04:10 UTC
... Nice moves.


imoutosnake May 22 2011, 12:21:41 UTC
[ Nadeko just happens to pass through the park on her own way home from school when she spots Kyon sitting on one of the park benches. Well, at least it was someone she recognized, so maybe she could just.. gather up the courage to go and say hello. ]

A-ah! Um.. Kyon-san, right? [ She smiles slightly nervously. ] Good afternoon.


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 12:24:36 UTC
Oh, hey! It's Nadeko, isn't it? How've things been treating you? The town has been relatively calm for the most part lately...


imoutosnake May 22 2011, 13:17:07 UTC
[ A small nod. ] Hmm, it's me.

Yes, I think so too.. Some people told me the town is supposed to be really scary, but.. I haven't really seen anything like that yet. S-so I'm very glad.


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 21:56:26 UTC
Right, makes sure you stay careful though. It may be calm for now, but it tends to whip up trouble at the drop of a hat sometimes...


paradigming May 22 2011, 15:47:22 UTC
[There is a young woman sitting at the edge of the pond playing with the water. Next to her is a loaf of bread that she is occasionally throwing out into the pond to feed the ducks much like a child would do.]


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 21:58:03 UTC

[Kyon pauses for a moment to watch as the ducks go chasing after the pieces of bread.]


paradigming May 22 2011, 22:01:07 UTC
[She looks at the other wondering how long she had been watched and blushes a bit. In trying to figure out what to say, she pulls out a slice of bread from the bag and holds it out towards him.]

Do you want to feed the ducks too?


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 22:03:27 UTC
Oh, uh... Sure.

[He accepts the slice and starts throwing bits of it out on the lake.]

I don't believe we've met, Miss...?


flameyedhunter May 22 2011, 15:53:08 UTC
Is that such a bad thing?

[Asks a familiar voice from a tree. Shana is perched up in it, cloth-enfolded bundle hanging over her right shoulder, held across her body.]


sosnarrator May 22 2011, 21:58:31 UTC
Oh, hey Shana! I didn't notice you up there...


flameyedhunter May 23 2011, 01:16:57 UTC
Mou! You never notice anything. You're just lucky I'm not an enemy.


sosnarrator May 23 2011, 01:18:51 UTC
Well, I'm sorry that my senses aren't quite as attuned as that of a Flame Haze?


heartserved May 23 2011, 03:03:58 UTC
[ Have one (1) uncertain girl approaching you quietly, Kyon. ] ... May I...? [ She looks to the bench he's seated at ]


sosnarrator May 23 2011, 03:06:13 UTC
Oh, uh... Sure, feel free!


heartserved May 23 2011, 18:49:07 UTC
[ She sits beside him with a smile. ] Thank you very much.


sosnarrator May 23 2011, 22:38:47 UTC
No worries! What kind of man would I be if I wasn't willing to let a pretty girl like yourself have a seat here?


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