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Comments 9

guardians_song October 28 2012, 05:38:59 UTC
You missed one of the good parts.

"Carlisle is Edward’s hero, and Edward wants to be like him.
Emmett’s reason is similar to Edward, [except that] Rosalie is the one he worships."
Explicitly paralleling Carlisle and Edward's relationship with Rosalie and Emmett's? Ooh-la-LA.

...Why does this woman think she's writing het, again?


sos_sporkers October 28 2012, 07:02:12 UTC

Wow. I was so blinded by rage, I didn't even notice the slash.

Carlisle/Edward is SO canon.

I love you. *fangirls*


mancalledtrue October 28 2012, 11:20:03 UTC
I heard Brian's voice as Brian Griffin while I was reading this, and that made it all the funnier. (And I don't even like Family Guy.)


sos_sporkers October 28 2012, 12:39:37 UTC
What's Brian Griffin like?


Re: mancalledtrue October 28 2012, 14:35:39 UTC
Originally, he was an alcoholic sap with delusions of literary grandeur. Now he's Seth McFarlane's liberal-viewpoint mouthpiece. Probably nothing like your character, but the voice still made things better.

Also, he's a dog.

On a sidenote: people HAVE died from tripping alone. We're an awkward build, as anatomy goes. As TV Tropes puts it, "All you have to do is trip and roll a 1 on your Reflex save." (Land wrong and WHOOPS! There goes your neck.)


Re: sos_sporkers October 28 2012, 21:43:18 UTC
Hee. He sounds like a fun character. What show is he from?

And yes, I know it's possible to die from tripping alone. I'm just saying that it's not a very common way to die, and most people can survive tripping. Because Meyer is saying it like humanity is so fragile that a single trip WILL kill them (possibly to justify Edward's creepyass manhandling).


hoppytoad79 March 25 2013, 01:42:12 UTC
I just found the community today, hence why my reply is coming months later. Happy belated birthday, Mrs. Hyde!

As it has been argued already, maybe you would start to feel a bit superior, too, if you were smarter and faster and stronger than everyone around you...It seems hard to avoid.I can't speak for the faster and stronger part, but I can speak for smarter, and I know that when people are regularly praising you because you're [strength], it can be easy to start seeing yourself as better than Everyone Else. Extreme hubris makes you sloppy, and sloppy gets your ass kicked to the curb. Everyone/thing has weaknesses and blind spots, and one person's weakness is another's strength. Underestimating those weaker/stupider/slower/blinder/deafer than you is a mistake. They may be weaker/stupider/slower/blinder/deafer, but if they get together in a large enough number and come after you as a group, you are screwed. Cattle stampede, anyone ( ... )


sos_sporkers March 25 2013, 06:03:11 UTC
Thank you! It's kinda scary how delusional this woman gets. I'd almost assume she's been living in an alternate reality all her life.


Are you alive? iamsorrytruly April 22 2014, 02:25:54 UTC
You never did answer my post and while that's completely understandable given the manipulative and reprehensible nature of all I said and tried to do. The fact that you haven't updated your Journal nor posted any sporkings on Das_Sporking makes me worried that perhaps it's more than just you understanding that what I did was beyond forgiveness. It makes me worry that perhaps your talk of suicide might have become more than talk though I hope that you've just been busy with University or perhaps have grown out of Sporking all together. I still have to try and find out.

My fear of hearing just how much my message revealed about my own twisted nature has finally been superseded by my fear of your own health. And I'm beyond ashamed that it took this long to abandon that selfish cowardice.

So I'm posting this on the off chance that you still look at your Journal to ask are you alright?

I hope you are but hope is such an empty thing.


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