A Spoonful of Sugar

Feb 12, 2011 13:02

WHO: Tsubaki [Open to Everyone]
TONE: Happy Cooking Times~
WHEN: Any evening between the 7th and 13th of February
WHERE: Home Economics Classroom
WHAT: The Cooking Club hold open meetings before Valentines Day to allow other students the chance to make their own edible gifts.

Despite Hogwarts castle generally being described as ancient in appearances, none of that was reflected in the Home Economics Classroom. In order to accomodate the requirements for food preparation, the room was suprisingly modern and well equipped.

Each individual work station has a sink and oven, as well as cupboard and drawers filled with needed equipment and utensils. Aprons hung on pegs near the door, and various recipe cards were displayed on the tabletop for people to choose from. Several desks had been pushed together to display ingredients where people could take what they needed. There was even a separate table for food that needed to be refrigerated, a chilling charm placed over them to keep the foodstuff fresh until it was needed.

Everything had been well prepared by club members, who were scattered around the room in case anyone needed assistance.

[Pick any evening you like and just start a thread to show what your character may be making or have them call on someone else for help. Threadjacking is encouraged.~]

tsubaki, club, everyone, open

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